Principal Investigator:Martin, Genevieve Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
This will be the second year of baseline environmental data collection, collected by Gartner Lee Ltd. on behalf of Anaconda Gold Corp. for the Damoti Gold Project. These studies will build on existing environmental data that was collected previously by various sources. The following tasks are associated with this study: fish and fish habitat assessments, hydrologic assessments and water quality as...
Principal Investigator:Hamm, Sharleen Licensed Year(s):
In view of Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.’s move to advance the DO-27 kimberlite pipe of the WO Diamond Project to the pre-feasibility assessment phase, this project is proposed to collect baseline data that would contribute to an Environmental Assessment in subsequent years. Gartner Lee Ltd has been contracted to undertake field sampling, which will consist of examining surface water quality; hydrology;...
Principal Investigator:Ford, Bruce S Licensed Year(s):
This study involves fish sampling to determine relative abundance and levels of mercury and other metals in fish tissue in Giauque Lake, Thistlethwaite Lake and Control Lake A, as well as benthic invertebrate sampling and water quality sampling in the three lakes to complement the fish sampling. 3 sites in Giauque, 3 in Thistlethwaite and one in Control Lake A will be recorded. Captured fish will ...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):2004
Dillon Consulting Limited has been retained to complete habitat restoration activities at the historic Salmita Mine site at Matthews Lake. The 2003 phase of this project is to conduct baseline aquatic assessments at the Matthews Lake site to identify pr...
Principal Investigator:Chubb, Derek Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
This project is to meet the requirements of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Sable and Two Rock Lakes will be lost through the course of mining activities and the scientific collection of data related to the fish population prior to their removal...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):2003
2001200019991998 Summary:
This project is to meet the requirements of the Fish Habitat Compensation Agreement between BHP and DFO. The purpose of the project is to monitor the effectiveness of created fish habitat within the Panda Diversion Channgel. Assessments will include an e...
Principal Investigator:Morantz, David Licensed Year(s):
The techniques to be used for the assessment of the fisheries in the Lac de Gras area will include small-mesh (1.5 inch) gillnetting, trapnetting (mark-recapture program), minnow-trapping and electroshocking (backpack model for stream surveys). Most fish will be live-released. A select number of fish will be retained (killed), for aging verification (using otoliths), tissue metals concentration ...
Principal Investigator:Sekerak, Aaron D. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistant will obtain information on fish in the area so that potential impacts of mining in the region can be assessed....