Principal Investigator:Yoshikawa, Kenji KY Licensed Year(s):
Uniform permafrost and ground surface temperature measurements are one of the more important databases for long-term climatic study as well as remote sensing ground truthing data. Consistency in sensor depth, casing and drilling methods helps in comparison of the spatial and temporal distribution of the permafrost and seasonal conditions. The proposed partnership with the schools aids continuous m...
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):2022202120202019201820172016201520142013
20112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998 Summary:
The objective of this research is to understand how climate change is affecting permafrost in the western Arctic, particularly in the outer Mackenzie delta. The research team also intends to investigate the ice content of the ground and how this may affect terrain stability. The research team wishes to study changes in ground temperature at various locations in the western Arctic, ranging from Her...
Principal Investigator:Gantner, Nikolaus (Klaus) Licensed Year(s):20132012
Long term goals of this research:
1. Identify and quantify the physical, chemical and ecological processes that affect contaminant transfer in Arctic aquatic food webs in response to observed and predicted Climate Variability & Change (CVC) in the Husky Lakes Watershed (HLW).
2. Provide people and regulators of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk with tools to effectively monitor selected highly valued compo...
Principal Investigator:Sofko, George J Licensed Year(s):20132012201120102009
20072004 Summary:
The objective of this research is to measure high and low voltage patterns hundreds of kilometers above the ground and out into space along the Earth's magnetic field lines. This information is critical to personnel in space and to maintenance of the satellite telecommunications.
Radar transmitting and receiving electronics will be installed in a small building with an antenna array outside. A ...
Principal Investigator:Kikuchi, Katsuhiro Licensed Year(s):
Main observation will be conducted from the middle of December to the end of January at the Inuvik Research Centre. Some instruments will be operated from the beginning of November. Vertical pointing Doppler radar, precipitation measuring instruments, microwave radiometer, pyranometers and automated weather station will be set up. These data will be stored by personal computer and digital data ...
Principal Investigator:Landhaeusser, Simon M. Licensed Year(s):1992
1990 Summary:
The Researcher and his team will seed and plant plots prepared in 1990. They will determine the germination rate, establishment and the annual growth of the seedlings. The measurements will be related to the energy input which influences these microsites....
Principal Investigator:Fujino, Kazuo Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and field team will conduct a geological survey and topographic traverse survey around the massive ground ice. They will take samples for ecological study and geochemical analysis....
Principal Investigator:Aiken, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will test some very standard agriculture seeds that have been developed in Alberta to determine whether they will grow in test plots in Iqaluit and Lake Harbour. She will also identify areas across the NWT which may be suitable as long term climatic change monitoring sites....
Principal Investigator:Nicol, Keith Licensed Year(s):
Study of the effects of artificial heat on the local climate in the immediate vicinity of Inuvik....