Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to collect stream silts on first order streams on a regional basis at a density of one sample every 13 Km2 across the target area. Heavy mineral concentrate samples will be collected at a density of one sample every 25 km2. The samples will be dried, labeled and shipped to various laboratories for cataloging and analysis.
A team of 2 field workers would use a heli...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):200620052004
This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area and northeastern North Slave region. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in resource management problems, particularly for the oil indus...
Principal Investigator:Schunke, Ekkehard Licensed Year(s):
199419921990 Summary:
The researcher will measure discharge, run-off velocity, sediment load, dissolved load and microclimate parameters (air and ground temperatures, relative humidity, evaporation, precipitation and radiation) in small valleys of James Creek. They drive to the location in a 3/4 ton truck which is parked in an abandoned quarry near the road. They walk to their data collection sites. The observations...
Principal Investigator:Jette, Helene Licensed Year(s):
19931992 Summary:
The researcher will sample a variety of lakes (some 50 lakes altogether) around Inuvik. A hole, approximately 8 inches in diameter, will be bored through the ice in each lake. Using an Ekman sampler, lake bottom sediments (mud) will be collected for analysis in the lab. The researchers will get to each of the lakes bt helicopter and spend approximately 15 to 20 minutes at each lake....
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):199719961995
199319921991 Summary:
The researcher will continue to collect samples of ground ice and measure temperatures in lakes and ponds. This information is used to help understand how the ground heaves as it freezes in winter, and to determine the extent of soil settlement during thaw in summer. The information about lakes is used to help understand the relations between water depths and temperatures beneath the lake....
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Larry Licensed Year(s):
In this ongoing study, the frequency and characteristics of landslides occurring in the Mackenzie Valley area are examined. I am trying to determine the roles that forest fires, climate changes and water flow in rivers play in the location and number of landslides. The field work will involve taking measurements on past landslides that include measuring permafrost features and taking core samples...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Jean-Serge Licensed Year(s):
19911990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will complete a detailed paleomagnetic sampling of the glacial and nonglacial sediments in the Morgan Bluffs of eastern Banks Island, and collect samples of boulders for Chlorine 36 dating. The data will allow the team to confirm or disconfirm previously proposed correlations and establish on a firmer basis the chronological framework for one of the longest sequences o...
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Cheryl M. Licensed Year(s):
To analyze the environmental processes that control plant distribution and succession on shorelines of the Mackenzie Delta. Specific objectives of the research are to examine (1) the colonization and establishment on exposed mudflats and other newly-available sites, (2) the responses of the shoreline plants to fluctuations in the biophysical environment, and (3) the chemical and physical properti...
Principal Investigator:Gill, Don Licensed Year(s):
a) Winter ecology of the willow ptarmingan, Mackenzie Delta. b) Relationship between flooding, sedimentation, permafrost, and alluvial vegetation, Mackenzie River and Delta. c) Plant succession and wildlife habitat studies, Mackenzie Delta....