Principal Investigator:Skeries, Kristina A Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to understand how metals might be weathering from rocks, and to understand where they end up and in which chemical form (the speciation). The importance is to differentiate between the metal species that weather from the rocks, the species by which they are transported, and finally, the species by which they are deposited again, if they are in fact deposit...
Principal Investigator:Bhatti, Jagtar Licensed Year(s):
2010200920082007 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. map and assess changes in the distribution and composition of forest and peatland ecosystems due to climate changes;
2. estimate carbon storage (and variation) in boreal to arctic ecoregions of the Mackenzie valley; and
3. assess interannual and seasonal variations and key processes controlling carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) dynamics.
Principal Investigator:Milton, Jack E Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to further the knowledge of the geology of the Redstone Copperbelt - an area of copper deposits within the Mackenzie Mountains. This will lead to a clearer understanding of the science behind the formation of copper deposits. This information can be utilized by environmental and exploration companies to provide baseline data on the distribution of copper ...
Principal Investigator:Waddington, J.M. Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
To investigate how the amount of peat consumption during wildfire in bogs or fens (muskeg), is affected by weather, fire behaviour, and properties of the tree canopy.
Researchers will manually measure various aspects of the peat, such as total peat depth and the proportion of unburned peat present in the area. Peat depth measurements will be made by driving a 2.5cm steel rod into the peat with...
Principal Investigator:Hicks, Faye E Licensed Year(s):201320122011
200920082007200620052004 Summary:
Our objective is to study ice processes on the Hay River in order to facilitate our development of computer models to predict them. The hydraulic modeling techniques being employed also have the potential to address local issues such as the effects of berming and channel infilling on ice jam occurrence and severity. The researcher would ultimately like to be able to provide some flood warning tool...
Principal Investigator:Schneider, Christie L Licensed Year(s):
This year, the research purpose is to investigate potential geological localities for work next year, so direct involvement with local communities and guides will be minimal. The researcher intends to identify and talk with people who have outfitting and guide businesses, and those who have knowledge of potential research areas for next summer’s research.
The objectives of the proposed researc...
Principal Investigator:Hamilton, David Licensed Year(s):
Several stream crossings along the #1 and #7 highways are expected to be suitable candidates for habitat compensation. Aquatic habitat assessments and fish collections at selected stream crossings need to be conducted to confirm fish species presence or absence upstream and downstream of the crossings, to assess habitat conditions and to evaluate fish passage to assist in the development of a fis...
Principal Investigator:Maxwell, Erin E Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application no. 1011.
The goals of this research are to 1) collect and identify invertebrate fossils to correctly date the rocks the historic marine reptile fossils were collected from; and 2) to collect and identify any new vertebrate fossils found, in order to improve our knowledge of the diversity and evolution of Mesozoic marine repti...
Principal Investigator:Scrimgeour, Garry J Licensed Year(s):2009
2007 Summary:
The objectives of this research are three-fold: 1) To quantify natural variability of benthic macroinvertebrate communities at reference sites un-impacted by human activity; 2) To determine whether mining activities degrade the health of streams in the South Nahanni Watershed; 3) To understand whether pigments in algal cells can be used to assess stream health.
This project will be conducted t...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Fredrick M. Licensed Year(s):
200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The goal of this research is to understand how the active layer, which overlies the permafrost and thaws and re-freezes every year, will respond to environmental change, including climate warming. Active layer thickness can influence hunting, fishing, gathering and forestry through vegetation and soil conditions. The character of the active layer affects transportation and construction, while chan...