7 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Wytrychowski, Scott" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:2024202320222021201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008
20052004200320022001 Résumé:
The purpose of the 2007 AEMP is to initiate a long term aquatics sampling program in order to produce a data set that will be used in trend analyses to track the overall effects of the project on the aquatic ecosystem of Lac de Gras and to confirm predictions made during the EA. This is achieved by conducting consistent annual sampling at fixed mid-field and far-field stations for which baseline c...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:
Diavik Diamond Mine requires construction of a system of water retention dikes in Lac de Gras to facilitate open-pit mining under dry conditions. The water retention dikes will result in a loss of fish habitat within the footprint of each dike. Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (DDMI) has received authorization to construct the dikes in Lac de Gras. As a condition of the project’s authorization, Diavik pl...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:201720162015201420092008
The goal of this research is to identify the most effective and economical methods for establishing a self -sustaining native vegetation cover on disturbed sited at the Diavik Diamond Mine, specifically: which substrates are most effective for plant establishment and growth; which soil amendments are most effective at enhancing substrate properties; which native plant species are able to establish...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:20132010
Air quality is an issue at mine sites, and diamond mining can contribute large quantities of dust to the air. This dust may contain elevated levels of heavy metals. Vehicle and generator exhausts also contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gases. To acheive the goal of sustainable development, Diavik policy focuses on the need to identify potential risks and set targets for pollution preventio...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has issued to Diavik Diamond Mines Inc an authorization which contains specific conditions pertaining to the construction of the A1418 dike. The study includes 10 sampling sites located on two transects radiating fr...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:
2003 Résumé:
This study will assess the effects of blasting activity associated with proposed mining activities at the Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. Lac de Gras mine site, for which explosives would be used as the primary method of excavating rock. The resulting explosi...
chercheur principal:Wytrychowski, Scott I Année(s) de permis:20122009
The purpose of the study is for the communities most affected by Diavik Diamond Mine Inc.'s mining operation to be able to assess the quality of Lac de Gras fish before, during and after mining operations. The primary focus is the quality of fish for ea...