Principal Investigator:Wiatzka, Gerd M Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The project objectives include the collection of information and samples to characterize the environmental conditions at the sites. The types of samples to be collected include: water (8 samples), sediment (5 samples), soil/tailings/waste rock (5 samples) and designated substances (e.g., asbestos, lead paint, PCBs, hydrocarbons).
The work involves manual sampling and measurement with minimal d...
Principal Investigator:Wiatzka, Gerd M Licensed Year(s):200920082007
2005 Summary:
The project objectives include the collection of information on: water and groundwater, sediment, benthic invertebrates, fish (species presence/abundance, quality, habitat), vegetation, soil/tailings/wasterock, radiological characterization, mine openings, infrastructure and general site conditions. Environmental sampling and monitoring work at the Port Radium site is a continuation of activities ...