Principal Investigator:Korosi, Jennifer B Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4727.
The research team will use lake sediment cores to track the history of shoreline permafrost thaw slump activity over the last several thousand years, and associated lake ecological responses to thaw slumping, in order to provide a long-term context for present-day observations.
The team will select three pairs of ...
Principal Investigator:Schroder-Adams, Claudia J. Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of this research project is to improve the stratigraphic framework of the Cretaceous Western Interior Sea region and the understanding of the paleoenvironmental setting of a Cretaceous aged oceanographic gateway between the Boreal Sea and the Western Interior Sea that flooded large parts of North America.
The proposed localities have the type section of the two targeted forma...
Principal Investigator:Duffe, Jason A Licensed Year(s):
20112010 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to:
(1) fly oblique helicopter videography along the Beaufort Sea shoreline from the Alaska/Yukon border to the Northwest Territories/Nunavut border;
(2) using conventional methods, interpret helicopter videography and create an Environmental Sensitivity Index map. This will consist of a vector shapefile of shoreline types; and
(3) using satellite ra...
Principal Investigator:England, John H Licensed Year(s):2012201020092008200720062005
20032002 Summary:
This research is concerned with the nature and style of past glaciations as well as the history of sea level and climatic changes in the western Arctic. The broad objective is to obtain a long term paleoclimatic record (before the arrival of the Pre-Dors...
Principal Investigator:Hequette, Arnaud Licensed Year(s):
19921991 Summary:
The research will involve the survey of cliffs and beaches located along the shoreline of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula near Atkinson Point. This information will assist in determining if the shoreline has changed. Measurements will also be taken for water depth in the nearby lagoons and bays. Sediments will be collected from all sites visited for further laboratory analyses....
Principal Investigator:Hill, Philip R. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
The field activities consist of three small projects: (1) the measurement of beaches and a survey of Tibjak Beach (located 15km north of Tuktoyaktuk); (2) a study of the sand bars located at the mouth of the East Channel in Kittigazuit Bay; and (3) a preliminary study of the lakes of the Mackenzie Delta in order to determine which lakes will be selected for future research. These activities will ...
Principal Investigator:Taylor, R.B. Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will search for new evidence pertaining to the recent history of relative sea level so that a Holocene sea level curve can be constructed for the Arctic Island shores....
Principal Investigator:Smith, Derald Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will study the sediments ( mud and sand) in river cutbanks to reconstruct the paleogeography (river history) of the Nahanni Butte topographic basin....
Principal Investigator:Dallimore, S.R. Licensed Year(s):
1989 Summary:
The team will drill and sample five 100 meter boreholes along a transect from northern Richards Island to an anomalous permafrost site 25 Km off-shore. In site testing, geophysical and geothermal logging will accompany the drilling. Undisturbed core will be maintained and shipped to the SINT lab in Inuvik for detailed logging, testing and subsampling....
Principal Investigator:Bednarski, Jan Licensed Year(s):
19881987 Summary:
The Researcher will map surficial deposits, log stratigraphic sections and survey raised marine shorlines in the Nansen Sound area....