Coastal evolution in the Mackenzie Delta and Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula region

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, geology, coastal erosion, shoreline

chercheur principal: Hill, Philip R. (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 12456
Organisation: Centre Oceanographique de Rimoski, Universite de Quebec
Année(s) de permis: 1994 1993 1992
Délivré: janv. 01, 1993
Équipe de projet: K. Gajewski, M. Khazaali

Objectif(s): To understand the rate of coastal change in the region, particularly with regard to the outbuilding of the Mackenzie Delta and the erosion of the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula.

Description du projet: The field activities consist of three small projects: (1) the measurement of beaches and a survey of Tibjak Beach (located 15km north of Tuktoyaktuk); (2) a study of the sand bars located at the mouth of the East Channel in Kittigazuit Bay; and (3) a preliminary study of the lakes of the Mackenzie Delta in order to determine which lakes will be selected for future research. These activities will contribute to our understanding of shoreline erosion and buildup.