Principal Investigator:Marshall, John J Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project at Thetis Bay is to ensure there is no unforeseen debris in the water around the caissons prior to moving. The objective at Tuktoyaktuk is to see if the caissons could be moved close enough to shore to offer a benefit to mitigate shore erosion.
One small bathymetry vessel would be used in the program and one large Northern Transportation Company (NTCL) mainline tu...
Principal Investigator:Marken, Sandra L Licensed Year(s):20172016201520142013
The objectives of this research project are:
1. To perform Initial scoping-level site assessment of Study Area to help inform the more detailed environmental assessment. The research team will use helicopter access to fly over the Study Area and assess overall environmental setting, identify likely sensitive areas, and focus on potential locations for drilling, access, staging and camps. Equipme...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Rick P. Licensed Year(s):2021202020192018201720162015201420122011201020092008200720062005
2002200120001999 Summary:
The objective of the program is to continue collecting environmental measurements pertaining to aquatic and terrestrial resources. This will be the sixth year of monitoring and baseline data collection. Monitoring will continue throughout the lifetime of...
Principal Investigator:Rosindell, Keith Licensed Year(s):
A test program has been designed in response to National Energy Board, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development requests to collect information on seismic airgun acoustics within the Mackenzie River and on asso...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
The physical oceanography of the Beaufort Sea work will involve the identification and review of existing physical oceanographic data, a summary of this information and the application of this information within the context of the assessment and protecti...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
Research program on the fish, plankton and benthic communities. Potential effects of the drilling program on benthos include effects of chemical contaminants from drilling fluid wastes on the benthic community and hence the food web, and loss/change in b...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
The issues to be addressed in the emissions and air impact assessment portion of the project include: 1) adequacy of baseline emissions, air quality, meteorological and climatological data, as well as air quality and deposition monitoring data, for the B...
Principal Investigator:Collard, Tod Licensed Year(s):
The proposed field research program on lands located within the Sahtu Settlement Area will include the following general areas of study: (1) freshwater aquatics (freshwater fish and their habitats, water quality, hydrology); (2) terrestrial wildlife, including waterfowl; (3) vegetation and soils; (4) archaeology; and (5) noise. For all studies, access will be by helicopter, boat or on foot, as ap...
Principal Investigator:Monita, Darwin Licensed Year(s):
The aquatic assessment is scheduled for September and October, 2001, and will focus on three lakes in the Chevron Canada Resources 2001/2002 seismic program areas in the Ellice 3-D, Mallik 3-D and Ogruknang 3-D blocks. All lakes examined will exceed 400m in width. No field camps will be used, all garbage will be packed out, and all human waste buried. The field crew will include a senior fisheri...
Principal Investigator:Collard, Tod Licensed Year(s):
The proposed field research program within the Gwich'in Settlement Area will include the following general areas of study: (1) freshwater aquatics (freshwater fish and their habitats, water quality, hydrology); (2) terrestrial wildlife, including waterfowl; (3) vegetation and soils; (4) archaeology; and (5) noise. For all studies, access will be by helicopter, boat or on foot, as appropriate. Mo...