24 record(s) found with the tag "mining" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Yellowknife Lithium Project Environmental Consulting Services
Principal Investigator: Brezenski, Jeff
Licensed Year(s): 2023
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5636. The purpose of the baseline program field studies is to: characterize existing conditions in the project vicinity and surrounding region to support project planning, permitting, and development of a proposed lithium mine. One continuous air quality monitoring station will be installed to measure ambient concentratio...

Health Effects Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Chan, Laurie H. M.
Licensed Year(s): 2024 2022
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5380. The Health Effects Monitoring Program (YKHEMP) begun in 2017 with the main objective to establish a baseline of contaminant exposure and possible health effects in Yellowknife, Ndilo and Dettah, NWT, to ensure the Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP) does not negatively impact the health of the communities during rem...

Arsenic and mining associated metals in berries and local garden produce in the Yellowknife area
Principal Investigator: Palmer, Mike
Licensed Year(s): 2020
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4829. The objective of this project is to gain a better understanding of the current state of mining related contaminants in local berries and garden produce in the Yellowknife area and to determine the potential risk to human health associated with the consumption of these local food sources. Specifically, this project ...

Environmental Baseline Surveys for the Fortune Minerals Limited NICO Project
Principal Investigator: Schryer, Richard P
Licensed Year(s): 2017 2016 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2005 2004 2003
Summary: The objective of this project is to complete a Supplemental Baseline Monitoring Plan (SBMP) for water quality, fish population and benthic invertebrate programs. The SBMP contains two major study areas: Burke Lake, Reference Lake and the Marian River. Burke Lake will be the exposure area and Reference Lake will serve as the reference area for the SBMP. The exposure area for the Marian River wat...

EBA, Five Mine Sites ESA Update and Remedial Action Plan
Principal Investigator: Farrell, Rory
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: The objective of this research is to take specific samples for the completion of a remedial action plan and risk assessment for the Five Mine Sites. The field component of the project will be conducted over a two day period. Limited soil and mine tailing samples from the most contaminated areas of the site will be taken. These areas were previously identified in past environmental site asses...

Geochemical and mineralogical controls on the low-temperature aqueous mobility of rare earth elements (REE) in mine waste from the Nechalacho deposit, NWT
Principal Investigator: Purdy, Colin
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: The objective of this study is to determine what controls whether rare earth elements are mobile under low temperature and moderate to high pH conditions. Four 55 gallon barrels cut in half will be set up at Thor Lake with mine tailings in them. The tailings will be allowed to weather in the local environment. Samples of the tailings and waters in them will be sampled at the beginning, and then...

Effectiveness of Community Consultation Information: A Case Study of the Giant Mine Remediation Plan
Principal Investigator: Jardine, Cindy G.
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The overall research question is “Did the information provided to stakeholders (and other interested and affected parties) about the Giant Mine Remediation Plan allow them to equally and fairly participate in the consultation process?” Specific objectives of this research are: 1. To review available documents on the Giant Mine Remediation Plan, and assess these in terms of accessibility, content...

8 Sites - Phase II ESAs
Principal Investigator: Bandler, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The goals of this research project are to: • Identify the physical hazards present at the site and risks posed to ecological and human receptors; • Identify and quantify environmental impacts to all areas including soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater; • Quantify hazardous and non-hazardous materials present at the sites; • Characterize the Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) potential for taili...

Lichen Sampling Program - Diavik
Principal Investigator: Bourn, Stephen
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2010 2005
Summary: The goal of this study is to determine whether dust generated from mining activities is causing a measurable change in dust deposition to and/or metals uptake in lichen closer to and further from the mine. If a significant difference in uptake is noted closer to versus further from the mine, a health risk assessment to caribou may be conducted to determine risks associated with consumption of vege...

Environmental Site Assessments at Five Abandoned Mines
Principal Investigator: Ziervogel, Herb
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The objectives of this project are to conduct environmental site assessments at the five sites to identify the extent of various contaminations in the soil, water and sediments. A remediation action plan will be prepared for future cleanup at the sites. The field team will use shovel and hand auger to collect limited soil and waste rock samples for lab testing. The lab testing will focus on ...