8 Sites - Phase II ESAs
Principal Investigator: Bandler, Paul (2)
Licence Number: 14807
Organization: WESA
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Issued: Oct 12, 2010
Project Team: Paul Bandler, Rich Schmidt, Krysta Paudyn, Kevin Cruz

Objective(s): To conduct Phase II Environmental Site Assessments at eight abandoned mine sites; to identify and quantify environmental impacts to all areas including soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater

Project Description: The goals of this research project are to: • Identify the physical hazards present at the site and risks posed to ecological and human receptors; • Identify and quantify environmental impacts to all areas including soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater; • Quantify hazardous and non-hazardous materials present at the sites; • Characterize the Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) potential for tailings, ore, waste rock, trenches and construction aggregate present at the sites; • Collect information necessary to reduce the existing data gaps and facilitate development of remedial strategies and associated cleanup costs. The WESA Project Manager will liaise with the CARD Project Manager to set up a meeting prior to the commencement of the field program, with content and scheduling. The WESA field team, consisting of one Field Team Leader and two field team members, will complete the investigation over a period of fifteen days, plus one additional day for travel between Yellowknife and Fort Simpson, plus a contingency of two days to account for weather and transport delays – for a total of eighteen days. A comprehensive health and safety plan (HASP) in compliance with the CARD health and safety procedures will be prepared by WESA and submitted to CARD for review at least two weeks prior to implementation of the site investigation program. This plan will be reviewed by all field personnel prior to commencement of the field program. Underground mining activities took place at some of the sites, and currently partially open trenches, shafts and portals are present at those sites which pose a physical hazard to the investigation personnel. The location and condition of these mine hazards will be identified and documented at the beginning of the investigations at each relevant site. Physical hazards associated with material piles (slope stability) and dilapidated buildings will be identified and the risks associated with these physical hazards will be discussed in the context of the site usage. Building and infrastructure condition assessments will be completed where it is safe to do so. The dimensions of buildings and infrastructure will be measured or surveyed. All physical infrastructure and hazards on site will be documented and photographed to provide a clear indication of the hazard. All buildings, significant site features, water bodies, vegetation boundaries and environmental sampling locations will be surveyed with a handheld GPS unit and GPS coordinates will be recorded as decimal degree latitude and longitude to 5 decimal places using the WGS84 datum. The accuracy of these data will be recorded as the data is collected. Results will be given to INAC CARD in the form of Phase II ESA reports. The communication of results to individuals and communities in the NWT will be their responsibility The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from October 8, 2010 to December 31, 2010.