Environmental Site Assessments at Five Abandoned Mines

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: physical sciences, contaminants, environmental assessment, mining

Principal Investigator: Ziervogel, Herb (2)
Licence Number: 14772
Organization: EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Issued: Aug 03, 2010
Project Team: Herb Ziervogel (Project Manager, EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.), Kelly Ostermann (Lead Field Assessor, EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.), William Liu (Field Assessor, EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.)

Objective(s): To conduct environmental site assessments at the five sites to identify the extent of various contaminations in the soil, water and sediments. A remediation action plan will be prepared for future cleanup at the sites.

Project Description: The objectives of this project are to conduct environmental site assessments at the five sites to identify the extent of various contaminations in the soil, water and sediments. A remediation action plan will be prepared for future cleanup at the sites. The field team will use shovel and hand auger to collect limited soil and waste rock samples for lab testing. The lab testing will focus on hydrocarbons and metals. The field team will take photographs during the field work. In the surrounding lakes, the field team will use a small zodiac to collect limited water and sediment samples. The water and sediment samples will be tested for metals. During the remediation planning stage, EBA and INAC will hold a public consultation meeting with the local residents for making a suitable site remediation work plan. EBA will present the investigation results and design to PWGSC and INAC. The information will then be passed to the communities by PWGSC and/or INAC. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 31, 2010 to September 30, 2010.