Principal Investigator:Koerner, Roy M Licensed Year(s):200820072006
20042003 Summary:
This study monitors glacier health and climatic change in the high Arctic and is part of an ongoing program that began in the early 1960s. It is also part of a larger program studying climate change. The base camp is located at the Polar Continental Sh...
Principal Investigator:Ledrew, Ellsworth Licensed Year(s):
19941993199219911990 Summary:
The researcher will measure the meterorological parameters at two primary sites; first year sea ice and multiyear sea ice. Each site consists of tower based sensors to measure various types of radiation, wind speed, wind direction and air temperatures. In addition, snow and ice temperatures are used. The physical properties of snow (depth, wetness, density, and grain microphotography) will be c...
Principal Investigator:Gregor, Dennis J. Licensed Year(s):
Atmospheric contaminants that accumulate in the snow are released during a very short time in the spring when the snow melts and washes out through rivers and lakes into the Arctic Ocean. Contaminants can be bound to substrates, consumed by organisms or transformed so that not all contaminants deposited in the snow reach the Arctic Ocean. In this on-going study, contaminant levels and distributi...
Principal Investigator:Adams, Peter Licensed Year(s):1993
199019881987 Summary:
The project will continue to take measurements of the accumulation of snow on the glaciers and try to ascertain how much snow and ice has been lost or gained since it was measured in 1990. Limnology experiments will be conducted on Colour Lake. Ice regimes will be monitored....
Principal Investigator:Young, G.J. Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Young and his research team will remap the White Glacier, calculate volumetric change since 1960 and calibrate the annual mass balance record....