Principal Investigator:Insley, Stephen Licensed Year(s):2024
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5559.
The main objective is to assess and mitigate the impacts of increased shipping and sea-ice loss on marine mammals in the eastern Beaufort Sea. The primary method used in the completion of this objective will be passive acoustic monitoring of the western entrances to the Northwest Passage shipping route, particularly t...
Principal Investigator:Merzouk, Anissa Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The 2017 field program constitutes a subset of activities of the ArcticNet’s marine-based research program that has been conducted in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (IRS) within the framework of Scientific Research Licenses awarded for 2009-2013, for 2014-2015 and for 2016-2017.
Planned activities will focus on the recovery and deployment of oceanographic moorings as part of ArcticNet’s Long...
Principal Investigator:Graham, Mark S Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this work is to assemble a representative collection of marine invertebrates, vascular plants, lichens, mosses, liverworts and aquatic, microscopic algae for research and educational purposes at the national museum (the Canadian Museum of Nature). Specimens will be used in ongoing research projects at the Canadian Museum of Nature, focused on the biodiversity of the vascular plant, lic...
Principal Investigator:Bihan-Poudec, Anne-Claire Licensed Year(s):
This survey aims at discovering bioluminescent and biofluorescent species in Polar Regions (namely the Arctic), assessing and understanding the potential functions of the phenomena. Marcel Koken and his team hope to discover bioluminescent or biofluorescent species in the Arctic mesophotic zone.
As the mission consists of an exploration of an under-studied part of the ocean, the scientific team...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Kristin M Licensed Year(s):202420232022202120192018201720162015201420132012
201020092008200720052004200320022001 Summary:
To revisit fixed sample stations over the course of a year in an effort to determine any seasonal variation that may exist and confirm impact predictions. The study will encompass the following water based parameters: water quality, zooplankton & phytoplankton biomass and taxonomy, benthic invertebrate analysis and sediment chemistry. This program also includes dust monitoring and fish health.
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, James R Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited (Imperial) is planning to conduct the program on, and near, Exploration Licence 446 (Ajurak) in the Canadian sector of the Beaufort Sea. The 2009 Ajurak Field Collection Program (the program) will begin in July 2009, and is scheduled to be completed in March 2010. However if ice and weather conditions are difficult, or the required support vessels cannot be ...
Principal Investigator:Fortier, Martin Licensed Year(s):2013201220112010
2007200620052004 Summary:
The central aim of the ArcticNet marine-based research program is to study on a long-term basis how climate induced changes are impacting the marine ecosystem, contaminant transport, biogeochemical fluxes, and exchange processes across the ocean-sea ice-atmosphere interface in the Canadian Arctic Ocean. Ultimately, the knowledge generated from this multi-year program will be integrated into region...
Principal Investigator:McCrimmon, Glen Licensed Year(s):
This licence was issued for scientific research application #872.
The primary objectives of this research are: 1) to test the feasibility of using bioacoustic technology to collect baseline data on Bowhead whale utilization of the Ajurak EL and a control site(s) in the Canadian Beaufort; 2) to evaluate cost-effectiveness, statistical robustness, and safety benefits of this approach versus addit...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):2007
This is a study investigating the contaminant levels in sea-run Arctic char as they return from feeding in the ocean. The aim of this study is to provide communities with more information on the chemical levels in these fish. By making these chemical measurements in char and comparing them with chemical levels in marine mammals, there would be a possibility to demonstrate that char is a good food ...
Principal Investigator:Takizawa, Takatoshi Licensed Year(s):
During the last glacial maximum (LGM), the sea level was lowered by ~125m. After the LGM, the area of Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas expanded dramatically, in association with the rapid raising of the sea level due to the collapse of the continental glacier, and the nutrient rich Pacific water stream into Chukchi Sea had become stronger than that of during the LGM. The abrupt rise of sea level...