Principal Investigator:Wytrychowski, Scott I Licensed Year(s):20122009
The purpose of the study is for the communities most affected by Diavik Diamond Mine Inc.'s mining operation to be able to assess the quality of Lac de Gras fish before, during and after mining operations. The primary focus is the quality of fish for ea...
Principal Investigator:Caughill, Dave Licensed Year(s):2004
The main objective of this study is to characterize environmental conditions and supplement existing environmental information for possible use in long-term (i.e., multi-year) Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) programs as required of the Giant and C...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2004
Surveys of selected streams and lakes along the proposed pipeline corridor within the Sahtu Settlement Area will be conducted this winter. This will be done to assess overwintering conditions for fish and watercourse freezing conditions in the vicinity...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
Surveys of selected streams and lakes along the proposed pipeline corridor within the Gwich'in Settlement Area will be conducted this winter. This will be done to assess overwintering conditions for fish and watercourse freezing conditions in the vicini...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
Surveys of selected streams and lakes within the gas field development areas at the Taglu, Parsons Lake and Niglintgak lease sites, and along the proposed gathering lines will be conducted this winter to assess overwintering conditions for fish and water...
Principal Investigator:Landry, Francois Licensed Year(s):
The field work is intended to provide baseline fisheries data for four lakes (Horseshoe, Toss, Fay and Logan) and to obtain post-baseline fisheries data on eight lakes (Vulture, Kodiak, Nema, Cujo, Nanuq, Counts, and Slipper) within the Ekati claimblock...
Principal Investigator:Nevitt, Zabey Licensed Year(s):1999
For many years the Dogrib have trapped and fished in and around the Marian River. There are concerns that contaminants are entering the river system. Some of the concerns include: effects on health from eating fish and effects on heath from drinking water. Field collection will take place over two days. The team will travel by canoe from Rae. Seven fish will be caught by members of the community f...
Principal Investigator:Stephens, Glen Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the work is to characterize the water chemistry of lakes with reported elevated concentrations of mercury in fish from the Mackenzie River Valley, which were sampled as part of the Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO) fisheries management plan. This would help to establish if there is any relationship between basic lake water chemistry and mercury levels in fish which could be u...
Principal Investigator:Puznicki, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to assess the concentration of mercury in fish, water and sediment in Bluefish and Duncan Lakes; to provide information to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation to make decisions relating to the use of fish and water from these lakes; and to correlate traditional knowledge with scientific data. Bluefish & Duncan Lakes are about 50 km to the northeast of Yellowknife. Tr...
Principal Investigator:Bong, Tom D. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will collect fish for analyses of contaminant body burdens. The sample size for each species will be 10-15 of each sex at each sampling site. Fish will be collected using set lines set in the evening and fished overnight. Blood samples will be taken from live fish and then tissues will be sampled and sent to labs for analyses. Gut contents will be examined and the fish will be aged....