Principal Investigator:Corrin, Natasha Licensed Year(s):
The overall objective of the Tundra Mine risk assessment is to facilitate project closure by determining if there are any residual risks to human health or ecological receptors, including aquatic life, associated with the proposed tailings remediation. If any risks remain, the goal is to provide recommendations for risk management. In support of the risk assessment, and in order to collect baselin...
Principal Investigator:Ruben, Diane Licensed Year(s):2017
The objectives of the research are to conduct an assessment of whitefish diet and contaminants.
Two technicians will collect approximately 60 samples over 7 days at Billy’s Creek in July 2016 and an additional 60 samples at the Hornaday River in August and October 2016. Data will be collected on: species, location, date/time, catch-effort/gear type, length, weight, sex, maturity, otolith, stom...
Principal Investigator:Somers, Gila L Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this project are to collect fish tissue samples from species of subsistence importance to (1) establish a long-term community monitoring program for contaminants in fish within the Gwich’in Settlement Area; and (2) to monitor potential spatial and temporal trends in metal concentrations (including mercury) in fish tissues within the Mackenzie River watershed and the Yellowknife r...
Principal Investigator:Maier, Kris Licensed Year(s):2016
2014 Summary:
The research team seek to build on the 2014 success in monitoring habitats and using electrofishing to assess juvenile Dolly Varden occupancy. Specific objectives include: 1) to continue implementing a community-based monitoring program to monitor essential habitats; 2) to further delineate the spatial distribution of juvenile char in the Fish Creek watershed; and, 3) to establish a length at age ...
Principal Investigator:Low, George Licensed Year(s):2016
201420122011 Summary:
The objectives of this project are:
1) To determine which lakes are important as food sources in four Dehcho communities and which fish species are used for human food from these lakes using Traditional Knowledge.
2) To train community monitors to collect fish and other samples according to Environment Canada and Department of Fisheries and Oceans protocol.
3) To involve local school children i...
Principal Investigator:MacLatchy, Deborah Licensed Year(s):2014
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. Collect and sample small bodied fish species (sculpin, trout perch) upstream, downstream, and at the sewage effluent outflow pipe at Fort Smith following established Environmental Effects Monitoring techniques to examine the reproductive health of the fish;
2. Expose small bodied fish to sewage effluent or Slave River water (as the control) fo...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):2024201620152014
This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish (lake trout and cisco) in Great Bear Lake.
The research team require a batch of spring-caught fish and a batch of summer/fall-caught fish for this study. Twenty whole lake trout and 20 whole cisco of a range of sizes are required from each collection period. The fish will be frozen immediately after capture and s...
Principal Investigator:Wilcockson, John B Licensed Year(s):2014
To collect baseline aquatic data in advance of the development of the Prairie Creek Mine. The study will be part of the Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program (AEMP) and will satisfy the requirements of the federal Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM).
The description below is a summary of the planned methodology. Most work will be carried out on Prairie Creek; however, sampling will also be con...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Paul D Licensed Year(s):
20122011 Summary:
The research team will quantify the effects of exposure of embryonic fish to contaminants released from oilsands operations that may be present in the sediments.
The research team will drill a hole in the ice, no more than 12 inches in diameter, and use sediment collection equipment to collect a few centimeters of sediment from the river bed.
Local communities will have an opportunity to as...
Principal Investigator:Harris, Katherine M. Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The objective of this study is to examine the health of two small-bodied fish species (Slimy Sculpin and Ninespine Stickleback) exposed to treated effluent from Giant Mine. Data collected during this study will be assessed to determine if there are treated effluent related effects. The study will be conducted within the exposure areas (Baker Creek and Yellowknife Bay) and the reference areas (Yell...