Principal Investigator:McLachlan, Stephane M Licensed Year(s):
2011 Summary:
The overall goal of this project is to better understand and communicate the implications of industrial activity associated with the Athabasca tar sands and large scale hydro developments for environmental and human health as it affects the downstream Aboriginal communities.
The team completed Phase One of this project (collection of video and interview materials related to observed changes in ...
Principal Investigator:Machtans, Hilary Licensed Year(s):201820152012
2007 Summary:
The EEM will investigate the cause of differences in fish health that were observed in fish from an area exposed to mine effluent (Jackfish Bay) when compared to fish not exposed to mine effluent (Horseshoe Island Bay). Data will be examined to see what environmental factors are causing the observed effects.
Fish Program:
A small-bodied fish survey will be conducted within one exposure ar...
Principal Investigator:Thompson, Amy L Licensed Year(s):2008
This research entails a thorough literature search of all the available literature on loche livers and pathology, and an investigation into the occurrence of abnormal loche livers by field sampling and pathology analysis.
A local fisher will be hired from each community (Inuvik, Aklavik, Tsiigehtchic and Fort McPherson) to collect loche. A Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board (GRRB) biologist an...
Principal Investigator:Hamm, Sharleen Licensed Year(s):2007
Exploration efforts at the Damoti Lake property (concentrating on the Horseshoe Zone) are intended to improve gold-bearing ore estimates at the site. As part of the pre-feasibility work, alternatives for tailings disposal will be studied, including depositing tailings into natural water bodies (Lardass Lake, Unnamed Lake, Pond 1 and 2), and/or using land-based methods, such as thickened tailings a...
Principal Investigator:Gray, Michelle A Licensed Year(s):
Research team members will be transported to site via Diavik air charters. Field collections will be conducted from boats provided by Diavik. The different collection gear types will be gillnets, trapnets, and angling. The target sample sizes at each of three sites will be a maximum of 100 lake trout, and 100 whitefish or cisco (to be determined based on catch success rates). Twenty fish of eac...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
This study is designed to investigate various measures of small fish health at a number of locations along the Mackenzie River. The researchers want to find out if small fish health is different near oil seepages and the islands at Norman Wells than in other parts of the river. Also, the researchers will investigate fish and benthic invertebrate abundance and species composition at selected strea...
Principal Investigator:Cott, Pete Licensed Year(s):
Winter seismic programs done in the Mackenzie Delta still use dynamite as an energy source under waterbodies not frozen to bottom. Exploding dynamite in or near fisheries waters can potentially impact fish. The main reasons for the study are as follows...
Principal Investigator:Wytrychowski, Scott I Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
This study will assess the effects of blasting activity associated with proposed mining activities at the Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. Lac de Gras mine site, for which explosives would be used as the primary method of excavating rock. The resulting explosi...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
This study is looking at the contaminant levels in lake trout and burbot in Great Slave Lake and in arctic char after their return from feeding in the ocean. Twenty burbot and twenty lake trout will be collected from the West Basin of Great Slave Lake by...
Principal Investigator:de Rosemond, Simone Licensed Year(s):
The Giant Mine, Yellowknife, was in operation for more than 50 years during which time arsenic levels in the surrounding area have significantly increased due to the roasting methods used to extract gold from mined ore. Arsenic was measured in walleye (...