A Research Study to Understand and Mitigate the Effects of Explosive Use Beneath Waterbodies
Principal Investigator: Cott, Pete (1)
Licence Number: 13749
Organization: Fisheries & Oceans Canada, EnCana Corporation
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Issued: Mar 29, 2005
Project Team: Pete Cott,

Objective(s): Winter seismic programs conducted in the Mackenzie Delta continue to use dynamite as an energy source beneath waterbodies not frozen to bottom. Detonation of explosives in or near fisheries waters can potentially impact fish. The primary objectives of the study are as follows: 1) to test tamping options to consistently minimize overpressures in the water column, and 2) to document the effects of peak overpressures using representative fish species. Results of the study related to tamping will be proprietary. Results of the study related to the effects of explosives use on fish will be published.