Principal Investigator:Dobbins, Maureen Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are: 1) To evaluate a knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) strategy to improve the provision of public health services for breast cancer prevention and early detection and 2) to determine if tailored messages (active knowledge transfer) are more effective than access to a website housing rigorous systematic reviews in breast cancer prevention and early detection (pass...
Principal Investigator:Case, Cheryl A Licensed Year(s):
The questions posed are:
1. Did genotyping identify unknown TB contacts or transmissions among cases studied? Examination of the genotype of each isolate of M. tuberculosis from reported cases in the NWT may identify epidemiological links among the studied cases not previously identified through conventional contact tracing. The study will quantitatively review epidemiological links established ...
Principal Investigator:Mitchell, Ross E. Licensed Year(s):
20092008 Summary:
The objective of the socio-economic study is to collect baseline data to enhance Fortune's understanding of conditions in communities potentially affected by the NICO project. The information will be used to prepare documents required by regulators to make decisions about the project.
The socio-economic study may include, in addition to reviews of secondary data sources, key informant intervie...
Principal Investigator:Bassi Kellett, Sheila E Licensed Year(s):
This project will focus on the question: “What research strategies can the Government of the Northwest Territories undertake, in partnership with community governments and their representative organizations, that would most effectively support the enhancement of local government administrators’ leadership competencies and capacities within the Northwest Territories?” Key partners in this are the G...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Rick P. Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #721.
The objective of the research is to conduct TK and TLU studies in Behchoko, Whati, Gameti, Wekweeti, and Yellowknife with representatives of the Dogrib and Métis. The studies will be part of obtaining permits to operate a mine at the NICO Project location.
Study participants will be interviewed either individually or...
Principal Investigator:Valaitis, Ruta Licensed Year(s):
This licence is issued for the scientific research application #917.
The objectives of this research are 1) to identify community health nurses current practice activities and their continuing education needs based on the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice 2) to investigate differences in continuing education needs by: i. workplace setting (e.g. primary care, home health care, publi...
Principal Investigator:Chouinard, Rebecca R Licensed Year(s):
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #875.
This research aims to define a recognized model for transferring technical knowledge related to mining operations to communities and resource managers in an un-biased manner that speaks to the needs and values of the community. If successful, this knowledge-transfer model will aid in negotiations, regulatory reviews, and...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this research is to document the history of the NWT Aquatics Program in Whati and to expand the understanding of Tlicho practices concerning water. This is being done with the aim of creating both documents and presentations that can decrease water-related fatalities and physical inactivity.
This research project will use semi-structured interviews and archival research to gain und...
Principal Investigator:Klein, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
, which was submitted in August 2006. The application has been distributed for consultation, concerns have been addressed, and the application was approved by the community organizations and received ethics approval. The licence was not issued at the time. The study will only be conducted now in 2008.
The objective of this study is to determine the attitudes and beliefs of urban and rural mater...
Principal Investigator:Mao, Yang Licensed Year(s):2009
The primary objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical dysplasia in women of the Northwest Territories using a DNA technology (HPV-DNA Test). The study will also aim to determine whether cervical cancer screening programs should include the use of the HPV-DNA test to increase effectiveness of cervical cancer screening.