Principal Investigator:Leski, Michael L Licensed Year(s):
2011 Summary:
The primary objective of this project is to collect B. chariclea arctica from sites in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. A network of haplotypes will be constructed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, and a mismatch analysis will be performed to determine if genetic structure has been influenced by a sudden expansion in population size or long term stability. ...
Principal Investigator:Lambert Koizumi, Catherine Licensed Year(s):2010
2006 Summary:
This study is a component of the Dall Sheep, Grizzly Bear and Wolf Interactions in the Richardson Mountains (DSGBW) project to evaluate the effect of habitat features and climate on interactions between Dall sheep, grizzly bears and wolves in the Richardson Mountains.
From March to April Gwich’in monitors from Aklavik and Fort McPherson (two per community) will be hired to conduct weekly snow s...
Principal Investigator:Maraj, Ramona Licensed Year(s):
In May 2004, the Yukon Government, Department of Environment, in partnership with Parks Canada and the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee, initiated a six-year grizzly bear research project on the Yukon North Slope. This traditional/local knowledge...
Principal Investigator:Anderson, David G Licensed Year(s):
The method of data collection will be participant observation of hunting and processing activities at camps established within the Gwich'in Settlement Area. The camps will be established by the Gwich'in Renewable Resource Committee and will involve several generations of Gwich'in hunters: elders, adults and youth. One research assistant will participate in setting up the camp and in the day-to-day...
Principal Investigator:Taylor, John S. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will collect specimens of bees that belong to the subgenus Evylaeus (Family Halictid), which are small "ant-like" bees sometimes called "sweat bees." The researcher would like to determine how they are related to the European species, which, unlike the Evylaeus, are social in their behaviour. This study may shed some light on the evolution of social behaviour in bees....
Principal Investigator:Norton, Pamela Licensed Year(s):
To monitor the white whale migration to and distribution and abundance in the Mackenzie Estuary. Secondary objectives are to observe white whale behaviour, to record whale-vessel interactions (if possible) and to quantify the number of whales missed by observers under normal survey conditions. All marine mammal sightings will be recorded....