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2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Norton, Pamela" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #5123
Principal Investigator: Norton, Pamela
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To monitor the white whale migration to and distribution and abundance in the Mackenzie Estuary. Secondary objectives are to observe white whale behaviour, to record whale-vessel interactions (if possible) and to quantify the number of whales missed by observers under normal survey conditions. All marine mammal sightings will be recorded....

Licence #4113
Principal Investigator: Norton, Pamela
Licensed Year(s): 1984
Summary: To examine white whale use of offshore areas during and after the period of "peak" numbers; to document whale distribution and abundance; to record movements and feeding; to determine percent calves in the population and to compare white whale distribution with major oceanographic features depicted in satellite imagery and with industrial activities....