Principal Investigator:LAURIOL, Bernard Licensed Year(s):
The main goal of this project is to determine the distribution, nature and origin of three thaw flows and the ground ice bodies in the Fort McPherson region. The results will be useful to understand similar features present along the Richardson Mountains.
The researchers plan to spend a full week in the Fort McPherson region to sample the ice and the sediment. The field camp will be based at th...
Principal Investigator:Henton, Joseph Licensed Year(s):
This work is part of a larger national activity that provides the framework for an updated Canadian Gravity Standardization Network (CGSN) and will ensure that the NWT maintains a consistent gravity reference datum common with Canada. The 2009 AG field campaign will focus primarily on Northern Canada and includes measurements at 4 gravity sites within municipalities of the NWT. In terms of possibl...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):2010
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application no. 946.
The objective of this research is to better understand the distribution of underground ice in hydrocarbon development areas. By identifying how much ice there is, the researcher wants to study how oil/gas activities and climate change could affect the land. Underground ice is one of the most unpredictable and problema...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence was issued for the scientific research application No. 935.
This study will test whether the shallow geophysics techniques of Ground Penetrating Radar and Ohm Mapper Resistivity Logging, in combination with seismic shothole drillers’ logs, can be used to resolve the nature and extent of the surficial geology cover and permafrost characteristics in two areas of recent seismic explor...
Principal Investigator:Lane, Larry S Licensed Year(s):
This study will be composed of an assessment field trip as well as a larger field study used to teach the regional geology to geologists who work for companies that currently hold petroleum leases in the Delta area. The trip in July will serve as a scoping trip to prepare for the field trip by assessing specific sites for suitability as field trip stops. Every site will be evaluated for its scien...
Principal Investigator:Zantvoort, Willem Licensed Year(s):
20062005 Summary:
Peel Plateau and Plain, an area with hydrocarbon potential spanning the NWT-Yukon border, lies southwest of the Mackenzie River, north of the Mackenzie Mountains, and east of the Richardson Mountains. A primary objective of this project is to expand geoscience knowledge to aid in informed land use decisions, as well as stimulate petroleum exploration, industry investment, and economic development ...
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the field program is to conduct geotechnical investigations on soil and ground conditions at the site of the proposed Inuvik Area Facility (IAF) and along the route of the all-weather road connecting the IAF to the Dempster Highway, in order to design foundations and roads, and for subsequent applications.
In order to complete the fieldwork before the spring thaw, an access roa...
Principal Investigator:Couture, Réjean Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The goal of this project is to compile updated baseline information/knowledge on the types, regional distribution, and controls (e.g. forests fires, climate change) of landslides. The main objectives of the field reconnaissance at landslide sites are six-fold: 1) to validate previous data collected through air photo interpretation and remote sensing techniques; 2) to carry out detailed mapping at ...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
200420032002 Summary:
The 2005 terrestrial studies include vegetation mapping, rare plant surveys, rare plant mitigation planning, timber cruising, and landform, soil and permafrost investigations. All of the studies will be conducted by three- or four-person crews supported by helicopter. A local assistant will be included as part of each terrestrial survey team to assist in observing and recording data taken at surve...
Principal Investigator:Soare, Richard J Licensed Year(s):200920072006
2004 Summary:
The research objective is to sample the active layer of the permafrost in areas where patterned ground and thermokarst are present. The data gained will help the researchers to understand possible cold-climate processes in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
The researchers will be based in Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk. They intend to visit areas in the vicinity of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk where patterned...