Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6090.
We want to look at the trace element chemistry of the zinc indicator mineral - sphalerite - to understand whether significant variations exist between different outcrop sources exposed in the western Mackenzie Mountains. We also want to understand whether the chemical "fingerprint" of each deposit is enough to distin...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5903.
The objectives of the research are: (1) to understand what the chemical and biological characteristics of the Little Bear Formation bedrock unit and other shales from the underlying Slater River and Canol formations are, in order to understand if they could be introducing dissolved heavy metals and high acidity level...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5547.
This research project proposes to examine the geological characteristics of Cretaceous (~78-88 Ma) metal-rich Smoking Hills Formation mudstones (black shale) and understand the mechanisms by which these metal-rich deposits formed, their extents and stratigraphic variability, and the release of dissolved metals into su...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This research will provide the geological information needed to correlate Cretaceous (<140 Ma) and younger geology of the Smoking Hills with that on Banks Island and elsewhere in the Canadian High Arctic and Mackenzie-Beaufort region. This will provide a greater understanding of the age and evolution of the offshore Canada Basin (Arctic Ocean). Studies of kimberlite indicator minerals will provide...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):2016
The proposed research seeks to resolve the nature and potential source of kimberlite (diamond) indicator minerals, and to improve our understanding of the geological history of Banks Island, and how this relates to off-shore geology and regional hydrocarbon systems.
For the kimberlite (diamond) indicator mineral study, the research team will take up to 100 small (10-20 kg) samples of stream sed...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Rod Smith’s ongoing compilation of drillers’ log records from geophysical seismic exploration activities in the Mackenzie Delta and vicinity has identified approximately 214 sites where “gas” was reportedly encountered. This study proposes to revisit as many as possible of these sites that are land-based, or in near shore lake/pond environments, in order to determine which, if any, are still s...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This licence was issued for the scientific research application No. 935.
This study will test whether the shallow geophysics techniques of Ground Penetrating Radar and Ohm Mapper Resistivity Logging, in combination with seismic shothole drillers’ logs, can be used to resolve the nature and extent of the surficial geology cover and permafrost characteristics in two areas of recent seismic explor...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to continue the standard 1:50 000 geological mapping that was started in the summer of 1997 as per mandate of the Geological Survey of Canada. Parties will be sent out by helicopter from Fort Liard and most of the area will be visited only once. The primary method of fieldwork is by foot traverse. Observations will be recorded and small samples of rocks and sediments...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
This study will test the hypothesis that pre-Holocene (older than 10, 000 years) lake sedimentary records exist within modern lake basins found on Ellesmere Island. Recent research has not been able to penetrate beyond a layer of course sand and pebbles. Recent technological improvements in the coring apparatus should allow the full penetration of this material, as well as the hypothesized older...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Rod Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
It is believed that during the last ice-age on northern Ellesmere Island, Lake Hazen was `pushed' further south as a result of the presence of glaciers. The researchers are investigating the Lake Hazen Basin area to determine the nature of this ancient lake. Sediment samples will be taken from both Lake Hazen as well as the surrounding area to study the past environment and organisms (now fossils...