Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut
Tags: physical sciences, geology, paleogeology, lake sediment, sediment core sampling
Principal Investigator: | Smith, Rod (13) |
Licence Number: | 12703 |
Organization: | University of Alberta |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Jan 01, 1994 |
Project Team: | D. Burgess, A. Westwood |
Objective(s): To address the question: do pre-Holocene (> 10, 000 years B.P.) lacustrine sediments exist within modern lake basins in the high arctic?
Project Description: This study will test the hypothesis that pre-Holocene (older than 10, 000 years) lake sedimentary records exist within modern lake basins found on Ellesmere Island. Recent research has not been able to penetrate beyond a layer of course sand and pebbles. Recent technological improvements in the coring apparatus should allow the full penetration of this material, as well as the hypothesized older lacustrine sediments below & would reveal a record of past conditions.