Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
Several biophysical and engineering studies on the feasibility of a pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley have been conducted, and will continue in 2007. Local knowledge, scientific research, and existing technical information are being used to develop a knowledge base for environmental protection plans, engineering design and regulatory processes.
Route and site reconnaissance will be by helicopte...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
200420032002 Summary:
The 2005 terrestrial studies include vegetation mapping, rare plant surveys, rare plant mitigation planning, timber cruising, and landform, soil and permafrost investigations. All of the studies will be conducted by three- or four-person crews supported by helicopter. A local assistant will be included as part of each terrestrial survey team to assist in observing and recording data taken at surve...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):
20042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921990 Summary:
The primary objective of this project is to improve understanding of the changes in water and energy in northern regions, and to develop improved computer models of these processes. The Trail Valley Creek, Hans Creek, and Zed Creek sites will be accessed...
Principal Investigator:Salokangas, Raila M Licensed Year(s):
This study will examine how sustainable development is taken into account in the Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP), with a specific focus on Inuvialuit opinions concerning the Project's environmental and socio-economic impacts. The research will evaluate the p...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
Surveys of selected streams and lakes along the proposed pipeline corridor within the Gwich'in Settlement Area will be conducted this winter. This will be done to assess overwintering conditions for fish and watercourse freezing conditions in the vicini...