Principal Investigator:Bourdages, Madelaine Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4999.
The first objective of this project is to determine whether geotextiles used in bank stability, such as those used along the ITH, are a source of microplastics to Arctic aquatic environments. The second objective is to determine whether terrestrial soils located directly downstream of geotextiles which flood during an...
Principal Investigator:Mochnacz, Neil Licensed Year(s):
The first phase of this field program was implemented in 2018, where approximately twenty loggers were deployed and retrieved. A minimum sample size of seventy is required to build a robust stream temperature model. The research team propose to deploy July 14-15 and retrieve August 29-30 the remaining temperature loggers (n = 50) across the Fish Creek watershed. This data will be used to develop a...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
200420032002 Summary:
As part of the Mackenzie Valley Gas Project, baseline aquatic studies in the Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) will continue in 2005. The work will include additional investigations into fish, hydrology and water quality in rivers and lakes previously visited, as well as summer and fall aquatics studies of waterbodies near the infrastructure sites, access roads, and borrow pits.
All of the aquati...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):201720162015201420102009200720062005
20032002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The long term goal of this research is to develop a biogeochemical model for lakes in the Mackenzie Delta and a model for assessing the effects of stresses on rivers resulting from global change. In particular, this field season will focus on three areas...
Principal Investigator:Bocking, Stephen Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
The researchers will complete their data collection activities in the NWT. All available literature on Mackenzie Basin aquatic science and environmental management will be catalogued and reviewed in order to identify appropriate criteria for the evaluation of aquatic science activities in the region. The results of this study will assist in coordinating existing and future research activities as...