Principal Investigator:Hoos, Rick Licensed Year(s):20122009
This work is being done to assist with the development of a future aquatic effects monitoring program for the mine that will meet the terms of the recently promulgated federal Metal Mining Effluent Regulations. The survey data will be provided in support...
Principal Investigator:Mears, Margaret Licensed Year(s):
Nahendeh, with assistance from Alpine Environmental Consulting Ltd. and Golder Associates Ltd. was contracted on behalf of ChevronTexaco Corporation to conduct vegetation monitoring studies for the pipeline right-of-way from Chevron K-29 wellsite to the...
Principal Investigator:Ferguson, Gordon Licensed Year(s):2003
A total of eight permanent sampling transects will be established along the pipeline right-of-way; two in each of the four dominant representative vegetation habitats. Site-specific evaluations at each transect will measure re-vegetative success using ve...
Principal Investigator:Hermus, Chelsea Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of the project is to collect fossils of two specific groups of early fishes (acanthodians and heterostracans) to supplement specimens already collected for research projects at the University of Alberta. The field party plans to journe...
Principal Investigator:Lane, Larry S Licensed Year(s):
20012000 Summary:
In 2002, the research team plans to complete bedrock and surficial mapping using helicopter-supported foot traverse. In the areas to be mapped at 1:50,000 scale, mapping will include helicopter setouts and pickups from bases of operation at Ft. Liard, an...
Principal Investigator:Lamoureux, Scott F Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the research is to supplement and extend instrumental climatological and hydrological records in the NWT using dendrochronology (tree-ring) and varved lake sediment analysis. Transportation to the site will be by charter aircraft from Fo...
Principal Investigator:Coulombe-Pontbriand, Moise Licensed Year(s):
The study will attempt to reconstruct the past 10,000 year geomorphological and hydrological history of the Mackenzie River using sedimentological records of fluvial deposits. The researcher will travel by Zodiac boat from Jean-Marie River to Point Separ...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20042003
Route and site selection flights will be used to: (1) determine the location for a potential natural gas pipeline route and associated developments through the Deh Cho Region; (2) visually inspect and confirm land forms and geotechnical features; (3) identify land features that may be important to the location or construction of a potential gas pipeline; and (4) determine the locations for poten...
Principal Investigator:Turner, William Licensed Year(s):2002
Transport of the research team to sites will be by truck, contingent on road access. Tent camps will be established for housing in the field. The camp will consist of 2 researchers, for the months of August and September, with possible sporadic visits by other researchers throughout the summer. Field activities will involve examining and documenting lead-zinc occurences, and collecting lead-zi...
Principal Investigator:Jowett, David Licensed Year(s):
The research team will complete a study of the Cretaceous strata in the Liard Basin area, using micropaleontology, geochemistry and various correlation techniques. Fieldwork will begin on 1 June 2001, and continue through most of July. The research team will access remote rock outcrops by helicopter, or in some cases by inflatable boat on some of the major rivers (Liard River and Petitot River)....