Basin Analysis of the Liard Basin.
Principal Investigator: Jowett, David (1)
Licence Number: 13180
Organization: Carleton University
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Issued: Apr 18, 2001
Project Team: Dr. Claudia Schroder-Adams

Objective(s): The objective of the research team is to complete a study of the Cretaceous strata in the Liard Basin area, using micropaleontology, geochemistry and various correlation techniques. The work is important in order to understand the history of the Cretaceous strata in the area, especially that linked to sea-level change and the incursions of the Western Interior Seaway. This fieldwork is in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Canada's NATMAP project, which is producing more detailed maps of the Liard Basin area. This work is important to the oil and gas industry, because it will provide more detailed sub-surface correlations on important Cretaceous sandstone intervals and their encompassing shale source rocks.

Project Description: The research team will complete a study of the Cretaceous strata in the Liard Basin area, using micropaleontology, geochemistry and various correlation techniques. Fieldwork will begin on 1 June 2001, and continue through most of July. The research team will access remote rock outcrops by helicopter, or in some cases by inflatable boat on some of the major rivers (Liard River and Petitot River). Detailed geological mapping will be carried out by examining and describing the sedimentary rock outcrops in the survey area, and by gathering golf ball-sized samples of rock (shale and sandstone) from these outcrops. Samples will then be returned to the laboratory for further, detailed analysis.