Principal Investigator:Coates, Alice Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5360.
The main objective of the study is to provide context for a later investigation into the attitudes of adolescent Dene language learners to the language. This ‘context’ takes the form of answers to a short survey, designed to elicit answers about the importance of the language to community members and the reasons for t...
Principal Investigator:Starblanket, Gina Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5030.
The objectives of this research are:
1) to explore the ways in which hide tanning impacts health and wellness at the individual and community levels by engaging first person, experiential knowledge, to be compiled into data that is useful for northern communities and beyond;
2) to gather general insights into the re...
Principal Investigator:Beddoes, Colin Licensed Year(s):2000
The objective of this study is to carry out a strategic analysis of the opportunities and constraints facing the Dene in their implementation of eco-cultural tourism. Transportation to and on site will be by automobile. Data collection will be carried out while working under the direction of planning staff at the Dene Cultural Institute (DCI). Data collection will involve non-structured intervi...
Principal Investigator:Villebrun, Lori Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to determine how Dene in the Deh Cho transmit their knowledge of the land publicly in environmental hearings as compared to how they transmit the same knowledge privately among themselves. Travel will be by car to Hay River, Fort Simpson and Fort Providence. Semi-structured interviews with the participants will be conducted. All participants will be given a consen...
Principal Investigator:Bedard, Joanne Licensed Year(s):
This work will involve talking to Band leaders, Elders, members of the Dene Cultural Institute and others suggested by DCI staff. Method of data collection will be designed in co-operation with community members, facilitated through DCI. Observation of the annual leadership meeting at Hay River will be included as a snapshot of current Dene socio-political issues. Confidentiality will be maintai...
Principal Investigator:Lescanec, Heidi Licensed Year(s):
1994 Summary:
During the second year of this internship, the researcher will be volunteering in various stages of ongoing research projects being supported by the Dene Cultural Institute ....
Principal Investigator:Fajber, Elizabeth Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will work with the Liidli Koe First Nation to investigate the roles of traditional healing and the Western health care in the health and well-being of Fort Simpson residents. This will include participation with the council on a project investigating culturally appropriate health care and key informant interviews within the community....
Principal Investigator:Smith, Shirleen Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
I am addressing issues of how Dene traditions of governance are reflected in models currently being developed, and how these might be accomodated within the democratic institutions of Canadian government. I will focus on an area of research that is both interesting and timely: Aboriginal views on the meaning of their treaties with the Crown in Canada....
Principal Investigator:Sprecher, Dawn Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will conduct informal discussions and interviews with people in all levels of government specifically Native involvement at the Territorial and Community level. The interviews will discuss methods that would best serve each community's need for self government....
Principal Investigator:Kritsch, Ingrid D. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will live in the community of Trout Lake for 14 months. During that time, she will write a general ethnography of the Trout Lake people with a particular emphasis on the economy and the social networks within the community....