Traditional Healing in Fort Simpson
Principal Investigator: Fajber, Elizabeth (3)
Licence Number: 12668
Organization: Trent University
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: Self

Objective(s): To examine the relationships between Dene healing and practices and Western biomedical methods of health care in the Fort Simpson area; and to investigate the relevance of the Western health system to the Dene traditions and culture, as well as the role of Dene traditional healing in the life of people of the Fort Simpson area.

Project Description: The researcher will work with the Liidli Koe First Nation to investigate the roles of traditional healing and the Western health care in the health and well-being of Fort Simpson residents. This will include participation with the council on a project investigating culturally appropriate health care and key informant interviews within the community.