Principal Investigator:Nearing, Michelle Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5047.
The objective of the study is to determine environmental conditions (in particular metal concentrations) and to compare existing conditions on and near the Rail Bed to background. The proposed field program will focus on collecting information that is considered critical for completing a human health and ecological ri...
Principal Investigator:Carnochan, Stacey Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4987.
The proposed Fieldwork will inform the baseline setting of the environmental site assessment (ESA), while also aiding in the development of feasible mitigation measures that will reduce potential effects that the Project may have on wetlands, wildlife, and vegetation. As well, the fieldwork reconnaissance will provide...
Principal Investigator:Swisher, Sara S Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to obtain traditional knowledge from Hay River Metis aboriginal residents focussing on individuals aged 45 years or older. The information will be used for planning, and incorporated into the Developer’s assessment Report (DAR) as required by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board’s (MVEIRB) Environmental Assessment Process.
Interviews will be utiliz...
Principal Investigator:Hoos, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to obtain sufficient baseline data to develop a lead and zinc mine adjacent to the old Pine Point property. The owl survey to identify species presence and breeding territories in the vicinity of the study area will include an evening broadcast-call program that will commence 0.5 hours after sundown to 0.5 hours before sunrise in April and May. This owl survey will target the Bor...
Principal Investigator:Buckland, Laurie L Licensed Year(s):
The field studies are required to obtain specific environmental information for the study area and will be used in the preparation of baseline and environmental impact assessment reports in support of regulatory approvals. The study area is a 5 km wide...
Principal Investigator:Hong, Tom Licensed Year(s):
A pre-construction biophysical site assessment will focus on wildlife and vegetation. The proposed well-sites will be examined on foot, and the flowlines walked to document vegetation types, including rare species if present. Main vegetation types will b...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20042003
The vegetation component of the 2002 baseline studies will focus on completion of the vegetation typing surveys. Initially, a reconnaissance flight will be required along the study corridor. This flight will be used to identify sites for detailed sampling. Sites will be selected to represent the major ecological land units. Where possible, sample sites will be grouped to reduce helicopter time....
Principal Investigator:Johnstone, Robin Licensed Year(s):
The proposed field program is designed to provide site-specific information on stream crossings, for planned improvements to the Mackenzie Valley winter road route. Researchers will travel to the crossing sites by helicopter from the closest community. At each crossing location, habitat assessments, water quality samples and fish census techniques (outlined in the DFO fisheries research permit) m...
Principal Investigator:Machtans, Hillary Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to collect information about a variety ecosystems crossed by or in close proximity to the potential routes for a proposed pipeline. Fisheries and water quality studies will involve a survey of fish habitat, and of the water quality of any water bodies allong the proposed routes. Any fish collection will be outlined by Department of Fisheries and Oceans research permits...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):1998
Fisheries investigations, including habitat identification and possibly gill netting, will be conducted in the four small lakes located within the watershed of the orebody of the Thor Lake site. In lakes with fish, will collect 10 fish (up to two species) for chemical analysis. Fisheries investigations, including habitat mapping, gill netting (to verify fish community), will be undertaken in the...