Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located within the tentative pipeline corridor in the Inuvialuit Settlement Area. The research team will survey 14 permanent watercourses, as well as several intermittent or seasonal watercourses and approximately 20 lakes located along the study corridor to determine aquatic characteri...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located within the tentative pipeline corridor in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. All aquatic studies will be conducted by three or four-person crews. Each crew will include a local researcher or Renewable Resource Council (RRC) representative. Depending upon accessibility, sites will b...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located within the tentative pipeline corridor in the Sahtu Settlement Area. Surveys of fish and fish habitat will be made at 62 permanently flowing watercourses, as well as 15 intermittent streams. These studies will include hydrology and water quality work as well. All of the aquatic ...
Principal Investigator:Sawetsky, Les Licensed Year(s):
A detailed data collection program will be undertaken on all major streams in the proposed pipeline corridor. The proposed survey will begin in mid-September and continue until late December, 2001 and will consist of comprehensive studies at selected streams, as discussed below, to define how the streams behave and how they change in time. The focus of the hydrology component is on describing h...
Principal Investigator:Sawetsky, Les Licensed Year(s):
A detailed data collection program will be undertaken on 20 streams. All major streams will be included in the survey. The proposed survey will begin in late July and continue until early September 2001, and will consist of comprehensive studies at selected streams, as discussed below, to define how the streams behave and how they change in time. The focus of the hydrology component is on descr...
Principal Investigator:Sawetsky, Les Licensed Year(s):
A detailed data collection program will be undertaken on 20 streams. All major streams will be included in the survey. The proposed survey will begin in late July and continue until early September 2001, and will consist of comprehensive studies at selected streams, as discussed below, to define how the streams behave and how they change in time. The focus of the hydrology component is on descr...
Principal Investigator:Spence, Chris Licensed Year(s):2001
1998 Summary:
Lower Carp Lake is part of the Yellowknife River and is roughly 22km in size. A number of remote meteorological and hydrometric data collection sites will be constructed around the lake. An island on the lake will be used as a base camp for the research activities. This island is roughly circular rising up to 50m from the lakeshore. A portion of the island is dominated by sandy glacial deposits. M...
Principal Investigator:Woo, Ming-ko Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
This on-going study attempts to find out how permafrost affects the groundwater, streamflow and levels of water in wetlands. Measurements such as soil moisture, rainfall, ground and air temperatures, and water level will be taken. This research will help to determine how climatic change affects permafrost and water bodies in the Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Swyripa, Murray Licensed Year(s):
The Water Resources Division, along with the Inland Waters Directorate and Canadian Parks Service, are planning a cooperative water quality program for the Wager Bay area. This program will involve measuring stream flow rates and sampling for water quality at a number of sites on rivers that flow into Wager Bay within the proposed Wager Bay National Park area. As well, water and sediment samples...
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):1994
19921991199019881987 Summary:
The aim of this ongoing research is to establish links between climate and the movements of soil. By collecting this type of data, it may be possible to determine the effect that climate changes may have on the movements of soil down slopes, into rivers and eventually into the sea....