Principal Investigator:Quinton, William L. Licensed Year(s):2016201520142013201220112010200920082007
2005200420032001 Summary:
The Fort Simpson region has a high density of open water and wetlands that occupies the zone of discontinuous permafrost. Discontinuous permafrost terrain is particularly sensitive to the effects of climatic warming because pronounced changes in water storage and runoff pathways could occur with small additional ground heating. The major peatland types of this region include channel fens, flat bog...
Principal Investigator:Biggar, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
Since the 1970s, the oil and gas industry has drilled at least nineteen exploratory wells in the Kendall Island Bird Sanctuary. Observations at associated drilling mud-sumps have been made; however, there remains a paucity of field data describing site conditions. It is also appreciated that construction of the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline will stimulate the development of Niglintgak and Tag...
Principal Investigator:Wang, Baolin Licensed Year(s):20082007
Year 2 of this four-year project involves detailed mapping of landslides and collection of soil samples. Soil sampling will be carried out by digging shallow test pits with hand tools or by using a small hand-held, gas-operated coring machine. It is estimated that up to six test pits of about 1.5m diameter and about 1.5m deep will be excavated at a site; however, the total number of test pits to b...
Principal Investigator:Wang, Baolin Licensed Year(s):200920082007
Year 2 of this four-year project involves detailed mapping of landslides and collection of soil samples. Soil sampling will be carried out by digging shallow test pits with hand tools or by using a small hand-held, gas-operated coring machine. It is estimated that up to six test pits of about 1.5m diameter and about 1.5m deep will be excavated at a site; however, the total number of test pits to b...
Principal Investigator:Wytrychowski, Scott I Licensed Year(s):201720162015201420092008
The goal of this research is to identify the most effective and economical methods for establishing a self -sustaining native vegetation cover on disturbed sited at the Diavik Diamond Mine, specifically: which substrates are most effective for plant establishment and growth; which soil amendments are most effective at enhancing substrate properties; which native plant species are able to establish...
Principal Investigator:Quaife, Ron Licensed Year(s):
This research will help address growing concerns over the use of sumps as a disposal option for drilling waste in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and is a first step in evaluating the environmental conditions at historic sump sites. The specific objectives of this research include: 1) conducting an inventory of all known specified drilling sump locations within the ISR (including location, last ...
Principal Investigator:Graf, Linda H Licensed Year(s):
This research will help address growing concerns over the use of sumps as a disposal option for drilling waste in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and is a first step in evaluating the environmental conditions at historic sump sites. The specific objectives of this research include: 1) conducting an inventory of all known specified drilling sump locations within the ISR (including location, last k...
Principal Investigator:Chen, Wenjun Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
The research team is working to become familiar with the impact of human disturbances on vegetation in northern Canada for their carbon studies. The objective of this study is to collect vegetation and biophysical data for use as verification of ground cover type and disturbance for use in satellite imagery classification and biomass and soil sampling for carbon modeling along the Ingraham Trail....
Principal Investigator:Nguyen, Thai-Nguyen Licensed Year(s):2006
The objective of this research is to determine the spatial correlation between surface properties and active-layer thickness.
Six sites have been established across the treeline, between Inuvik and Swimming Point. At each site, shallow temperature cables are installed in the active-layer and near-surface permafrost and air temperatures are monitored by data logger. During this project, the res...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The field will be accessed from Fort Liard via the barge. The individual sites will be accessed via truck. At the site, researchers will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or s...