Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to addresses the history of Earth-surface environments between 1 billion and 700 million years ago. The objective for 2019 is to complete a sample suite used by a Master of Science student.
Each base-camp of 2 people will be deployed by helicopter, and after that, all work will be done on foot, with no motorised equipment. Working on mountainside exposures, the...
Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):
2012 Summary:
This is a Masters of Science research project aimed at understanding the geological evolution of a deep-marine environment that existed in the northern Mackenzie Mountains between 500 and 450 million years ago.
The project team will establish small 2-3 person camps on or near a mountainside where we already know, based on previous work, that the rocks they are interested in will be exposed. Eac...
Principal Investigator:Ketchum, John Licensed Year(s):
During the proposed study, transportation of the research team to the field will be by fixed-wing float plane from Yellowknife. From the base camp at Grant Lake, the research team will examine the study area immediately to the east on foot and by inflatable boat. Rock samples up to 20 kg (45 lbs) will be collected for age dating. It is anticipated that only 4-5 samples will be collected for dating...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Timothy Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The Research team will continue work begun in 1990 to carry out a resource evaluation of the Bluenose Lake area. A national park has been proposed for the area. Before land can be set aside as a park reserve an assessment of non-renewable (oil, gas, minerals) resource potential is required....
Principal Investigator:Dixon, James Licensed Year(s):1996199419931992
The Researchers will examine, measure and record details of specific rock units in the Northern Richardson Mountains using a helicopter to visit a number of sites....