Principal Investigator:Lake, Tasha Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5752.
This evaluation builds on the work of Dr. Skinner’s team. The objectives of this evaluation are: 1) to explore potential for market improvement, 2) to understand the social impacts of the market, and 3) to examine what value the market brings to the community.
This research is community-based, participatory and a...
Principal Investigator:Stirling, Mark Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the project will be to evaluate the feasibility of the new offering. To determine the feasibility of the project the market, organizational capability, financial implications and strategic alliances will be evaluated. As part of the market analysis a survey will be conducted to evaluate the demand for the offering from the target demographic.
To examine the market, descrip...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Beth Licensed Year(s):1993
The researcher will identify the proportion of income provided to the household economy through arts and crafts, as well as identify factors such as fluctuation in the cost and availability of raw materials, marketing, buyers, contributions of producers, and the difficulties in recruiting and training young people to participate in the activity of arts and crafts production...
Principal Investigator:Chun, Zarah Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will identify and analyze the cultural factors of both the Inuit producer and the non-Inuit consumer which influence the production and design of Broughton Island products. Information collected will possibly be used by Inuit to create a successful product line....
Principal Investigator:McDowell, Marilyn E. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
Dr. McDowell is returning to ask people how they like the sausages and other processed meats that are being developed from seal and walrus meat. She is also looking for more sources of meat and will be asking about how to produce these products in the north....