The Place of Arts and Crafts in the Social and Economic Life of Northern Communities

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: social sciences, economics, traditional art, women, economy, market research, skills training, art

Principal Investigator: Miller, Beth (2)
Licence Number: 12153
Organization: University of Windsor
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1992
Project Team: Self

Objective(s): To determine what proportion of income arts and crafts provide to the household economy, factors that make this contribution more or less difficult, fluctuation in the cost and availability of raw materials, problems involved in marketing, finding buyers, the degree of input of producers in these areas, and the difficulties in recruiting and training young people to participate in the activity of arts and crafts production; to investigate the contribution of women to the production of arts and crafts, the particular problems faced by women, and the difficulties they share with any producer;

Project Description: The researcher will identify the proportion of income provided to the household economy through arts and crafts, as well as identify factors such as fluctuation in the cost and availability of raw materials, marketing, buyers, contributions of producers, and the difficulties in recruiting and training young people to participate in the activity of arts and crafts production