Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):
201720162015201420132012201120102009 Summary:
This research will continue the long term objective of documenting and understanding the impacts of recent climate change on northern terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The short term objectives of my research for 2018 are: 1) to investigate the impacts of permafrost degradation and subsequent thaw slumping on freshwater ecosystems; 2) to examine the limnological implications of drained lakes on ...
Principal Investigator:Kramer, Tara Licensed Year(s):
The primary objective of this research program is to collect baseline data on:
1) water chemistry, limnologic profiles, sediments, plankton, benthic invertebrates and aquatic habitat; and,
2) fish presence and collection of fish tissue for metal analysis.
The Aquatics field program will be conducted in the spring of 2013. During the field program, the following samples will be coll...
Principal Investigator:Lamoureux, Scott F Licensed Year(s):
The research team seeks to obtain sediment cores from two lakes in order to reconstruct past river flow in the region. This work, which builds on similar efforts at "Shellabear" lake, NWT, and work at Cape Bounty (Nunavut), will focus on long term river flow characteristics and the climate factors that control them.
The fieldwork involves augering a hole in the lake ice and lowering a tube int...
Principal Investigator:Johnson, Donald S. Licensed Year(s):
2006200520042003 Summary:
Project a: essentially fifth year of research (sixth-year if associated work in 2000 is counted), and seeks to continue heretofore successful investigations into the nature, substance and long-term effects of contact between Copper Inuit and Europeans/Eurocanadians in the 19th and 20th centuries utilizing sociocultural, archaeological, and economic methodologies, b. Project seeks to initiate a col...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Brent BBW Licensed Year(s):2007
2005200420032002 Summary:
This research program focuses on high-resolution reconstruction of past hydrology, ecology and climate of the Peace-Athabasca (PAD) and Slave River deltas (SRD) from natural archives, including lake sediments and tree rings, supported by comprehensive field-based studies of modern hydrology, limnology and aquatic ecology. The PAD and SRD have broad ecological and cultural significance and are ecos...
Principal Investigator:Muggli, Deborah Licensed Year(s):20132012201120102009200820072006
20042003 Summary:
The main objective of the field work to be performed in 2005 is to determine if the EKATI mine is having an effect on its surrounding aquatic environment and to provide baseline data for the area.
Transportation to and from site will be provided by BHP Billiton. The primary form of transportation of personnel and equipment will be via regularly scheduled Canadian North flights to site. While ...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
1998 Summary:
This study is based on earlier research conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans which found that fish in many lakes in the Mackenzie River Basin had high mercury concentrations. This study examines the environment in which the fish live in o...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will collect a series of sediment and water samples. These will be analyzed for plant nutrients, concentration of microscopic plant cells, bacteria, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen and organic contaminants. Microscopic animals will also be netted. They will determine the abundance and composition of the animals and conduct experiments to measure their feeding rates and fat cont...