Principal Investigator:Burn, C. R. Licensed Year(s):202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999
The researchers will be collecting samples of ground ice and permafrost soil, and measuring air, ground and lake water temperatures. This information will be used to provide an understanding of how permafrost conditions in the region have changed in the last few thousand years. Also measuring ground movement to determine how the ground deforms during the year, in particular, we will be measuring ...
Principal Investigator:Colpron, Maurice Licensed Year(s):
The project will be conducted from 10-12 tent fly-camps within the study area. Each camp will be set-out by helicopter (out of Norman Wells) and will be of a duration of approximately 5-7 days. Our work will consist of daily hikes from our camps, during which our observations of the rock types and mineral occurrences will be noted on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps and air photos. Data collectio...
Principal Investigator:Currie, Lisel Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to conduct standard 1:50 000 geological mapping as per mandate of the Geological Survey of Canada. This will be in the central Kotaneelee Range. This will involve daily long distance traverse to describe the rocks across the area. Most parts of the area will be visited only once. The research team will be dropped off and picked up by helicopter. During the day they ...
Principal Investigator:Corcoran, Patricia Licensed Year(s):
Research involves mapping and sampling of rocks for geological study. Equipment and all crew members will be transported to and removed from base camps by float plane (twin or turbine otter). A zodiac with 10-20 hsp motors will be used to travel within the study area. Rock samples (5-15 lbs) will be collected, small and large-scale maps will be compiled. The study will provide information about...
Principal Investigator:Perks, Matthew Licensed Year(s):
1995 Summary:
Examination of the temporal and genetic relationship between metamorphism and granitoid magmatism will be achieved through detailed mapping of granite-metasediment contacts to examine the thermal effects of granite intrusion. This will rely on a detailed documentation of the mineral assemblages, textures, metamorphic grade, and relative timing of the meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks in the...
Principal Investigator:Washburn, A.L. Licensed Year(s):1994
19921991199019881987 Summary:
Dr. Washburn and his assistant will continue the investigation of how the landscape has changed since the glaciers left 10 000 years ago. In particular, he is examining the effects of frost and permafrost on the landscape....
Principal Investigator:Cohen, Stewart Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component on land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....
Principal Investigator:Gurney, Steve D. Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will engage in detailed geological mapping of the various types of pingos with respect to both their genesis and current status. Geometric levelling of pingo locations will also be undertaken to ascertain the spatial, temporal, and environmental inter-relationships of pingos to such features as drained lake basins, stream channels and other pingos....
Principal Investigator:Sugden, David Licensed Year(s):
A study of the geomorphology of the area of Broughton Island and adjacent mainland, plus an overview of the eastern Canadian Arctic....