Volcanological and Sedimentological Evolution of the Slave Province along the Beniah Lk. Fault
chercheur principal: Corcoran, Patricia (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 12919
Organisation: Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (U.Q.A.C.)
Année(s) de permis: 1997
Délivré: juin 11, 1997
Équipe de projet: Clarence Picket, Renee-Luce Simard, Michael Cote

Objectif(s): The project will entail detailed facies analysis and rigorous sampling of the volcanic rocks as well as mapping their relationship with associated sedimentary sequences. The study aims to determine whether or not the Slave Province contains a variety of volcanogenic lithostratigraphic sequences representing different tectonic environments or if there is a marked similarity in the physical volcanology and composition of the rocks across the entire geological province. A project concerning Archean greenstone belts is significant for comprehending crustal evolution especially in the Slave Province where studies of this nature are rare.

Description du projet: Research involves mapping and sampling of rocks for geological study. Equipment and all crew members will be transported to and removed from base camps by float plane (twin or turbine otter). A zodiac with 10-20 hsp motors will be used to travel within the study area. Rock samples (5-15 lbs) will be collected, small and large-scale maps will be compiled. The study will provide information about the contact relationships between different sedimentary and volcanic successions and their evolution along a major fault system. The results will be added to the database of Slave Province geology.