Geology and Mineral Occurrences of the Ravens Throat Area, Mackenzie Mountains, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Colpron, Maurice (1)
Licence Number: 12922
Organization: Resources, Wildlife & Economic Dev., Gov't of the NWT
Licensed Year(s): 1997
Issued: Jun 19, 1997
Project Team: Carole Augereau

Objective(s): The Ravens Throat Project is a 1:50,000-scale mapping project with the primary objective being to delineate the stratigraphy which hosts Cu and Zn-Pb mineralization. Numerous Cu and Zn-Pb showings occur within the proposed map area, which lies to the immediate north of the Redstone Copper deposit, located near Coates lake. The proposed study area has been mapped at the reconnaissance scale of 1:250,000 in the mid 1960's. However, the Proterozoic to Paleozoic rocks of the Mackenzie Mountains have since been the subject of numerous detailed stratigraphic studies which have resulted in the identification of several new rock formations that are not shown on existing geological maps. The Ravens Throat area is ideally situated for incorporation of recent observations into a more detailed regional synthesis, and to investigate stratigraphic (and structural ?) control on mineralization. Ongoing industry exploration in the area offers a timely opportunity for logistical collaboration.

Project Description: The project will be conducted from 10-12 tent fly-camps within the study area. Each camp will be set-out by helicopter (out of Norman Wells) and will be of a duration of approximately 5-7 days. Our work will consist of daily hikes from our camps, during which our observations of the rock types and mineral occurrences will be noted on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps and air photos. Data collection will be made using standard geological methods (rock hammer and compass) with occasional use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. Field data will be entered in digital format during field work. Occasional rock samples (approx. 10x5x5 cm) will be collected for further examination and analyses in the laboratory. Detailed itinerary of the research team will vary according to daily observations in the field.