Principal Investigator:Lambiv Dzemua, Gideon Licensed Year(s):2025
202320222021 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5793.
The aim of the project is to locate areas with high potential for critical minerals mineralization. The results, will, hopefully, incentivize exploration for critical minerals and technology metals in the territory. This is particularly important now given the high demand for these commodities and the imminent closur...
Principal Investigator:Lakhani, Sabrina-Ayesha Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4609.
This project will use two focus groups and desktop research to identify current socio-economic benefits derived from Socio-Economic Agreements (SEAs) between mine operators and the Government of the Northwest Territories and to identify emerging technologies and their associated implications for regional development a...
Principal Investigator:Lennie-Misgeld, Janpeter Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the study are as follows:
- Perform limited geotechnical analysis to confirm assumptions on foundation type and location and routing;
- Identify any archeological or cultural resources that may be impacted by the transmission line;
- Conduct environmental field work e.g. wildlife sightings and documentation, plant samples, caribou migration trails; and
- Use the information...
Principal Investigator:Patrie, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Transportation (DOT) proposes to conduct geotechnical investigations in the winters of 2013 and 2014. Geotechnical investigations will include drilling of boreholes, sampling and analysis of granular material collected, and installation of thermistor (temperature) cables. The geotechnical investigations are conducted to support design and...
Principal Investigator:Kors-Olthof, Rita I Licensed Year(s):2014
The goals of the hydrotechnical research are to:
- learn if there are possible problem areas due to water or ice along the proposed road;
- choose the best proposed bridge location so that a new bridge won't wash out like the temporary one does; and
- decide on length of bridge so that abutment locations can be chosen for later geotechnical drilling sites.
The goals of the geotechnical resea...
Principal Investigator:McCallum, Dee Licensed Year(s):2021202020192018201720162015201420122011
2009200820072006200520042002200120001999 Summary:
The environmental monitoring program will cover an assessment of aquatics (benthic invertebrates, fish, water quality, plankton, and sediment quality), hydrology, geochemistry and North Pile environmental inspection & geotechnical assessments, wildlife, vegetation, air quality and archaeology.
The aquatics program involves the monitoring of; water quality, sediment quality, zooplankton, phytopl...
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the field program is to conduct geotechnical investigations on soil and ground conditions at the site of the proposed Inuvik Area Facility (IAF) and along the route of the all-weather road connecting the IAF to the Dempster Highway, in order to design foundations and roads, and for subsequent applications.
In order to complete the fieldwork before the spring thaw, an access roa...
Principal Investigator:Wang, Baolin Licensed Year(s):20092008
2006 Summary:
The main objective of this project is to improve the understanding of triggering factors and slope failure mechanisms of landslides in the Mackenzie Valley. This knowledge will enable better environmental impact assessments of new infrastructure projects proposed in the region.
Investigations carried out in 2006 will continue with detailed mapping of landslides. Soil sampling will also be condu...
Principal Investigator:Wang, Baolin Licensed Year(s):2008
2006 Summary:
The objective of this project is to improve understanding of triggering factors and slope failure mechanisms of landslides in the Mackenzie Valley. This knowledge will enable better environmental impact assessments of new infrastructure projects in the region.
Investigations of the 2006 site will be continued. Detailed mapping of landslides and soil sampling will be done. Three to five 1m x 1...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
The Geological Survey of Canada maintains a network of active layer and permafrost temperature monitoring sites in the Mackenzie region in order to document the response of permafrost conditions to climate change. Gaps exist in the network in the permafrost zones north of Norman Wells, the Mackenzie Delta region, and on shorelines and coastlines. Enhancement of the network is essential to provide ...