Principal Investigator:Mamet, Steven D Licensed Year(s):2018201720162015
201220102009200820072006200520042003 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to determine: 1) the status of permafrost landforms; 2) long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project, including oil spills and gravel pits; 3) Status of treeline.
Since 1990, automated microclimate stations powered by solar cells have been operated in the study area. One station is located at each of five permafrost landforms calle...
Principal Investigator:Wilbur, Steve Licensed Year(s):
This licence is issued for the scientific research application # 926.
The goal of this river geomorphology program is to describe the Slave River’s channel landforms and sediment characteristics and assess the sensitivity of these river landforms to potential changes in stream hydrology.
Field visits will include a reconnaissance flight via helicopter along the Slave River (from Fort Smith ...
Principal Investigator:Morse, Peter D Licensed Year(s):
20072006 Summary:
This licence was issued for the scientific research licence application number 748.
The project objective is to determine how near-surface wedge ice volumes are related to geomorphic setting, which reflects soil physical properties, moisture contents, and process and duration of ice formation.
Wedge ice geometry will be measured with a hand-held CRREL drill, permafrost cores extracted, and s...
Principal Investigator:Soare, Richard J Licensed Year(s):2009
200620052004 Summary:
This project’s objective is to take multiple, small .25kg samples of the active layer of permafrost in areas where patterned ground and thermokarst are present. The data gained will help the researchers in their efforts to understand possible cold climate processes in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
The researchers intend to visit areas in the vicinity of Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk where polygonal...
Principal Investigator:Edinger, Evan N Licensed Year(s):
Climate change is affecting coastlines and coastal communities across Arctic Canada. Communities in the Western Arctic, including Sachs Harbour, have described a variety of effects, including warmer temperatures, reduced sea ice thickness, longer duration of open water in summer, increased wave activity, and new or early arrivals of migratory animals. These effects can have a variety of impacts ...
Principal Investigator:Wright, Fred J Licensed Year(s):2012201120102009200820072006
This pilot study will address identified gaps in knowledge critical for assessing the impacts of regional oil and gas development in the vicinity of the Mackenzie Delta and Richards Island, with respect to exploration and drilling activities, well-head a...
Principal Investigator:Forbes, Donald L Licensed Year(s):200620052004
20022001 Summary:
The western Canadian Arctic coast is one of the most rapidly changing coastlines in the world and among the most vulnerable to climate change. The causes of this vulnerability have been studied over the past decade. This project involves monitoring coast...
Principal Investigator:Sawetsky, Les Licensed Year(s):
A detailed data collection program will be undertaken on 20 streams. All major streams will be included in the survey. The proposed survey will begin in late July and continue until early September 2001, and will consist of comprehensive studies at selected streams, as discussed below, to define how the streams behave and how they change in time. The focus of the hydrology component is on descr...
Principal Investigator:Sawetsky, Les Licensed Year(s):
A detailed data collection program will be undertaken on 20 streams. All major streams will be included in the survey. The proposed survey will begin in late July and continue until early September 2001, and will consist of comprehensive studies at selected streams, as discussed below, to define how the streams behave and how they change in time. The focus of the hydrology component is on descr...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
19961995 Summary:
The field crew will live on the delta for approximately 8-9 weeks at a site established by the principal investigator in 1997 on Steamboat Channel. Transportation will be by boat. Three channels will be studied in detail. At each study site the researchers will measure the speed of the flow using an electronic velocity meter, measure the cross sectional profile of the channel with tape and rod ...