57 record(s) found with the tag "genetics" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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The Genographic Project: Anthropological Genetic Analyses of Indigenous Human Populations of North America
Principal Investigator: Schurr, Theodore G
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009
Summary: In this project, the ancestry and history of the Aboriginal populations of the NWT will be explored through the analysis of genetic diversity in these communities. Through this DNA analysis, the origin and diversity of these aboriginal people will be investigated and their relationship to other aboriginal peoples of Canada and Alaska will be assessed. Overall, this approach will generate new insi...

The Genographic Project: Anthropological Genetic Analyses of Indigenous Human Populations of North America - North Slave and Sahtu Dene
Principal Investigator: Schurr, Theodore G
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009
Summary: In this project, the ancestry and history of the Aboriginal populations of the NWT will be explored through the analysis of genetic diversity in these communities. Through this DNA analysis, the origin and diversity of these aboriginal people will be investigated and their relationship to other aboriginal peoples of Canada and Alaska will be assessed. Overall, this approach will generate new insi...

Molecular analysis of evolutionary change in stickleback populations
Principal Investigator: Shapiro, Michael D.
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2008 2007 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000
Summary: The researcher plans to collect stickleback fish from Fox Holes Lakes. These fish will be used for laboratory experiments to determine the genes that control the number, shapes, and sizes of bones in the skeleton. Two members of the research team will travel to Ft. Smith for approximately 5 days during the broader time interval listed (May 1 - June 30 of each year). The most likely time for our...

Examining DNA Fingerprinting as an Epidemiology Tool in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Case, Cheryl A
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The questions posed are: 1. Did genotyping identify unknown TB contacts or transmissions among cases studied? Examination of the genotype of each isolate of M. tuberculosis from reported cases in the NWT may identify epidemiological links among the studied cases not previously identified through conventional contact tracing. The study will quantitatively review epidemiological links established ...

Molecular and otolith tools to investigate population of origin of Arctic cisco
Principal Investigator: Nielsen, Jennifer L.
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This study aims to: 1) use genetics and otolith (ear bone) microchemistry to determine if differences exist between collections of Arctic cisco (herring) made from tributaries of the Mackenzie River (Canada) and the Colville River (Alaska) and 2) use differences to identify population-of-origin of fish caught in the Colville River subsistence fishery. Approximately 60 Arctic cisco will be colle...

Should Newborn Screening be Initiated in the Northwest Territories for Mild CPT1 (Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase-1) Deficiency?
Principal Investigator: Arbour, Laura
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2009 2008 2007
Summary: The goals of this proposed study are: (1) To determine how common a particular genetic change, known as the P479L variant, is in NWT (2) To determine whether the P479L variant is associated with an increased risk for infant death and (3) To share results with the Medical Officers of Health and appropriate community and public health representatives in NWT to determine whether newborn screening for...

2007 Canada Western Arctic Germplasm Collection
Principal Investigator: Wright, Stoney J
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: The primary objective of the fieldwork is to collect small samples of seed from grass species in six primary Genera: Festuca, Poa, Deschampsis, Leymus, Elymus and Alopecurus. Other species may be collected. Wild mustard species (Crucifer species) will also be collected. The collections will be compared visually and genetically to other collections of the same or closely related species from Alaska...

Northern Native Plant Development in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Seccombe-Hett, Pippa
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The main activities in this program are: 1) forming a project steering committee involving industry, aboriginal groups and government; 2) identifying plant species suitable for revegetation; 3) developing practices for commercial production; and 4) identifying employment opportunities. Seed collection will be carried out in late August through to mid-September. Sites will be accessed by boat an...

Genetic Study of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome and Related Disorders
Principal Investigator: Heon, Elise
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005
Summary: Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) is a multi-system condition that leads ultimately to blindness. This condition is also linked to shortened life expectancy due to kidney failure. Genital, digit and renal anomalies, obesity and a variable degree of cognitive impairment also characterize this disorder. The researchers have identified the genetic basis of BBS in Rae-Edzo. This study, which will be at leas...

Assessment of lake trout stocks in Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Howland, Kimberly
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006 2005
Summary: The objectives of this research are: 1) to gather baseline data on size, age structure, fecundity (egg number per female), growth and mortality for lake trout in the study area; 2) to determine if lake trout are genetically distinct between basins of Great Bear Lake; and, 3) to determine the extent of movements by lake trout in Great Bear Lake by using molecular genetics. Field crews will be tr...