Principal Investigator:Sheldon, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The deepwater sculpin is a small species of fish found only in the deepest lakes in Canada. Its closest relative is the marine fourhorn sculpin which is distributed in shallow marine waters of the arctic North American coast. To resolve the issue of orig...
Principal Investigator:Gillespie, Lynn J. Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
This research will study variation among arctic plants (bluegrasses, alkali grasses, arctic poppies, arctic mustards) to better define species so that arctic plants may be more easily identified, and to better understand the origin and evolutionary relat...
Principal Investigator:Palsson, Gisli Licensed Year(s):
This research is a part a bigger project on the field work of the early explorer and anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson. In the Inuvik, the investigator will interview Stefansson's descendants' about their relationship with him and his marriage to their grandmother. The interviews will only take place after the subjects have consented. The equipment used will include a still camera, a video ca...
Principal Investigator:Ballantyne, James Licensed Year(s):
The project will develop new, improved lines of arctic charr for the aquaculture industry by sampling arctic charr from sites throughout the Canadian arctic, characterizing the charr physiologically and genetically, and selectively breeding for traits desirable for hatchery culture (improved survival at higher temperatures and salinities). Genetic characterization will facilitate future stock iden...
Principal Investigator:Pimstone, Simon Neil Licensed Year(s):
This study is to determine the underlying cause of arthritis in the NWT. It will be done in two phases. Phase 1: Pilot study which will take approximately 2-5 days. A rheumatologist and a geneticist will travel to Fort Providence to set up a clinic for all patients in the community who have been treated previously for arthritis. On each patient, an examination, blood test and basic hip/lower back...
Principal Investigator:Gillespie, Lynn J. Licensed Year(s):
19951994 Summary:
We plan to collect living plants, 6-10 plants of each species from each collection site. In addition, several plants of each species will be pressed and dried as voucher specimens to be used to check the identification. Photographs of the plants and their habitats will be made in the field and will be used for both research and teaching purposes. Upon our return to Ottawa the plant material wil...
Principal Investigator:Schwert, Donald P. Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The sample of arctic-alpine ground-beetles will be collected under rocks and by pitfall traps (dixie cups placed in 8 cm diameter drilled holes) in the tundra habitat. All rocks will be replaced exactly and pitfall trap holes refilled with their soil plugs. No chemicals will be used in any of the trapping or collecting. Specimens will be analysed using DNA techniques which include RLPF's and PC...
Principal Investigator:Rode, Andris Licensed Year(s):
The study requires the subject to swallow a harmless "marker" substance (similar to cough syrup) at bedtime, followed by the collection of subject's total urine output over the next 8-12 hours. The urine will be analysed to see how well the subject's body metabolised or used the marker and whether the subject is a "good" or "poor" drug metaboliser. Blood samples will be taken to determine the gene...
Principal Investigator:Hebert, Paul D.N. Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The research involves the use of helicopters with floats to sample the animal life present in lakes on the Melville Peninsula and northwestern Baffin Island. Most of our work will concentrate on the capture of zooplankton, small animals which foram an important part of the diet of young fish. After the collections are made, the samples are taken back to the Igloolik labratory, where they are sor...
Principal Investigator:Lutzoni, Francois Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
I will be collecting lichens in the vicinity of Iqaluit in order to better understand the variety of species that grow in the high arctic. Some species of fungi grow with algae: these partnerships are recognized as lichens. In an attempt to study this partnership, I will separate the fungi part from the algae and grow each separately in a laboratory. I will also be visiting Greenland and Icelan...