Principal Investigator:Ruttan, Lia Licensed Year(s):
The proposed study will examine differences in parents viewpoints related to their priorities for their childrens learning experience and educational goals. The reseacrcher will survey parents in Fort Smith, NT to determine what factors are important to them regarding their children's public education. Interviews will be conducted following identification of key issues emerging from the survey d...
Principal Investigator:Kurszewski, Denise Licensed Year(s):
The proposed study will hopefully disclose the positive elements of academic success among northern Metis students. Students presently attending post-secondary institutions will be selected. In-depth interviews will be conducted using the 'self-narrative' approach. The Metis Nation will use the outcome as a guide to implementing the practices in overall planning, thus empowering and strengthening...
Principal Investigator:Cameron, Anne-Mieke Licensed Year(s):
The research strategy for this project will be one that facilitates open and naturalistic inquiry. As a qualitative research study, it will draw on emerging themes as they are gained through individual interviews with principals in the N.W.T. This naturalistic study will include thick description of contextual data gathered through interviews and analysis of documents. A limited pilot project s...
Principal Investigator:Twerdin, Leena Evic Licensed Year(s):
1988 Summary:
Ms. Twerdin will be contacting Inuit students who have been to university in the south and may or may not have completed their studies. She will be conducting interviews with the students and other people who may have suggestions for a pre-university course and its content....
Principal Investigator:Stairs, Arlene Licensed Year(s):199219911990
Kathleen Okpik (Pangnirtung) and Peesee Pitseolak (Lake Harbour) will be interviewing other native educators. They will ask questions like: How did you become a teacher? Why do you like to teach? How did your training help you to become a teacher? What did training not teach you? What role should Inuktitut have in school programs? The answers to these and other questions should improve ...