Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The research is being funded by PrioNet Canada in an effort to understand the level of concern and knowledge in local communities about Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and other wildlife related health issues. Even though there is no scientifically proven link between CWD in cervids and human health, the potential for CWD to spread to other species and a lack of understanding of how CWD is transmit...
Principal Investigator:Kandola, Kami Licensed Year(s):
Primary objective:
To describe the presenting patient characteristics, organ dysfunction, clinical outcomes and resource needs of influenza-H1N1-related critical illness and acute lung injury among children and adults in Canada. Our primary endpoint will be survival and the secondary endpoint will be critical care-free days, both at 90 days after onset of critical illness.
Secondary main object...
Principal Investigator:Kutz, Susan M. Licensed Year(s):
Wildlife in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions are very important renewable resources. Wildlife populations can be disturbed by wildlife diseases, and the people who harvest, handle and consume wildlife can be affected by wildlife diseases too (meat not good...
Principal Investigator:Fletcher, Christopher Licensed Year(s):2005
This research is a collaboration between Deline community researchers and Deline Uranium Team members. The research will examine Sahtuot'ine concepts of health, healing traditions, and their integration into planning, education and policy. Most of the re...
Principal Investigator:Doherty, Maryanne Licensed Year(s):2002
The research team will interview students in Grades 7, 9 and 11 (generally ages 12, 14 and 16) from across Canada to examine the changes that occur in sexual health behaviors and attitudes at critical development stages in adolescence. Nationally, data will be collected from a sample of 1150 students in each of Grades 7, 9 and 11. This method will simulate a longitudinal study of sexual health, ...
Principal Investigator:Hessel, Patrick A. Licensed Year(s):
With the input of the community, this research has been designed to examine lung health, specifically to document respiratory diseases and investigate risk factors associated with them. Interviews with all participants, lung tests (8 years of age and up), x-rays (18 years of age and up) will be conducted. Information is to be used to develop community-based programs to improve lung health. Resi...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Jan Allison Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
During 1993, seventy-six families in Coppermine participated in this study. Each child's hearing was assessed and each family was interviewed. Information was gathered on the family routine, diet and parenting style. Additional field trips to collect similar data are planned: the same children and families will be re-assessed during January and March 1994. Changes in hearing capability will be...
Principal Investigator:Hershfield, Earl S. Licensed Year(s):
Through the review of hospital records, we will outline the tuberculosis out-break that occurred in Repulse Bay during 1988-89. The study may provide information that may be helpful in preventing such out-breaks in the future....
Principal Investigator:Orrbine, Elaine Licensed Year(s):
The research will evaluate the incidence and severity of childhood HUS (Hemolytic Urmemic Syndrome)....
Principal Investigator:Nuttall, Richard Licensed Year(s):
The Larium Safety Monitoring Study is organized by the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control of Health and Welfare Canada. Each traveller to malarian regions is required to report any adverse reaction and any symptoms of malaria on his/her return to Canada. The study is limited to a five year period with an interim three year review point....