Principal Investigator:Bogen, Jim J Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to estimate the modern and historical fluxes of sediment- associated chemical elements to the Arctic Ocean and their relationships to natural and man-induced changes in sediment yields and sediment sources and if possible, predict the impact of future climate changes on the fluxes.
The study will include sampling of overbank sediments from floodplains and del...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):2008
The Arctic Ocean receives much higher river inflows than other ocean basins and this has major implications for sea-ice formation, for nutrient supply to the base of aquatic marine foodwebs, and for optical properties of ice-free areas and ice-pack margins via fluxes of dissolved organic matter and riverine particles. The Beaufort Shelf is strongly influenced by Mackenzie River outflows. However, ...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):2023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008
2006 Summary:
The objective of this project is to understand water and energy fluxes in northern regions, and to develop improved models of these processes. Project studies will look at both the atmospheric and surface water budgets of the Mackenzie Basin, with an emphasis on the effects of climate change on hydrology.
The rates and processes controlling accumulation of snow, snowmelt, water flux through sno...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):2008
200620052004 Summary:
The objectives of this study are to quantify the frequency and magnitude of ice jams in the Mackenzie River Delta, including the hydroclimatic conditions controlling their occurrence and associated floods, develop a hydraulic model of it, and investigate the importance of deep scour holes in the Mackenzie River.
This study is an expansion of previous research conducted in 2004. Ice jamming has ...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):2017201620152014201020092007
2005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The long-term goal of this project is to develop a biogeochemical model for lakes in the Mackenzie Delta, and ultimately, a more general ecosystem model for floodplains and deltas of major world rivers that will help assess the effects of multiple stresses on rivers resulting from global change. Numerous major river deltas in the Arctic circumpolar region are lake-rich because of thermokarst effec...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Warwick F. Licensed Year(s):
The aim of this research is to define the influence of the Mackenzie Delta floods on the biological processes and patterns that persist in these shallow water ecosystems. The researchers are looking for links between the sediment on the bottom of the lak...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):2000
1995 Summary:
We will arrive at Fort Resolution on or about mid June and re-establish our base camp on Steamboat channel. For each day we are on the delta will be taking samples of sediment from the marshes of the outer delta area with a coring device. At the base camp we will take the core of sediment and section it into 2cm thick sections which will be air dried and shipped south for analysis....
Principal Investigator:Syvitski, J.P. Licensed Year(s):
(1) To emplace current meter and trap arrays into 50m water depth via helicopter; (2) To site survey deltas to ascertain information On their hydrology and sedimentology processes and Quaternary history; (3) To site survey (re survey) coastal sections to understand their stability and geological history....