Principal Investigator:Patenaude, Allan L. Licensed Year(s):1993
19911990 Summary:
Ongoing since 1989 this project examines the relationships and results of the imposition of Euro-Canadian social and criminal justice systems upon the aboriginal peoples of Iqaluit and how Inuit and others have adapted to those imposed systems over time....
Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will attempt to discover the views of people in regard to the hunt. They will attempt to determine why it is significant to the people of Aklavik in particular, and to the Inuvialuit people generally. This information will be elicited through the use of interviews and household surveys as well as through discussion and a questionnaire administered to school students....
Principal Investigator:Slocombe, D. Scott Licensed Year(s):
To provide a basis for planning and management of the Pingo Canadian Landmark site, required by the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, the researchers will identify the significance of the biophysical, cultural and economic resources....
Principal Investigator:Gardner, Peter Licensed Year(s):
At the community level, the Researcher will investigate why economic development imposed through outside agencies may have failed in some communities. Native residents will be interviewed to determine whether they believe a social institution can evolve from their own culture which can effectively deal with the tradeoffs between sharing of income and profits and the need for saving and investment....
Principal Investigator:Ryan, Joan Licensed Year(s):
The Dene Traditional Justice Case Study will document the traditional laws and justice mechanisms of the Dogrib people. The research will address concerns about the effectiveness of the current justice system for Dene in the Northwest Territories. Local Dogrib researchers will be trained and employed to carry out the work....
Principal Investigator:Stairs, Arlene Licensed Year(s):19921991
1988 Summary:
The study concerns processes of learning in an Inuit community today. It will focus on various learning settings (e.g. land, settlement, school) and groups of learners (e.g. adults learning new skills, school students). Special attention will be given to two features of the ongoing cultural brokerage between Inuit and western models of learning -- native educator roles and bridging language forms....
Principal Investigator:Shimpo, Mitsuru Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Shimpo will study the needs of the Dene as perceived by themselves and their educators regarding education and work. Through questionnaires and interviews, educational and training strategies may be developed which reflect a Dene perspective....
Principal Investigator:Haskel, Gerry Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Haskell intends to examine the nature of the cultural programms which are designed to increase the traditional Inuit culture in the curriculum at the Sanikiluaq School. She wishes to examine the nature of the curriculum guidelines and identify the typ...