Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to collect stream silts on first order streams on a regional basis at a density of one sample every 13 Km2 across the target area. Heavy mineral concentrate samples will be collected at a density of one sample every 25 km2. The samples will be dried, labeled and shipped to various laboratories for cataloging and analysis.
A team of 2 field workers would use a heli...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):200520042003
20012000199919981997199619951994199319921990 Summary:
The primary objective of this project is to develop improved understanding of the fluxes of water and energy in northern regions, and to develop improved computer models of these processes. The Trail Valley Creek site will be accessed by helicopter and s...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):20032002
2000 Summary:
The crew will fly from Yellowknife to the Tundra Ecosystem Research Station camp on Daring Lake from BHP (Ekati Mine) by helicopter. The research team itinerary consists of: (1) setting up the camp; (2) sampling all of the major streams flowing into Daring Lake for chemistry and instantaneous flow; (3) walking through several basins to decide on an intensive sampling site; and (4) installing dri...
Principal Investigator:Maric, Robert Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be based out of Yellowknife. Travel to the Ekati Mine site will be by helicopter; travel on site will be on foot. The research team will be in the field for approximately seven days. Characterization of the hydrologic balance of the system under investigation will be completed by the collection of several hundred water samples (each with an approximate volume of 30 ml) at d...
Principal Investigator:LAURIOL, Bernard Licensed Year(s):
The aim of the study of mass movements in the Richardson Mountains is to understand the processes of erosion related to climate changes. The site to be studied is located south of Little Fish Creek. The landscape looks like bench forms which are named Cryoplanation terrasses. This site was visited last year for 2-3 hours. Their formation are not really understood but we suspect that the melting of...
Principal Investigator:CLARK, Ian D. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research are to study the chemistry of the groundwaters that flow into the Little Fish River near the Cache Creek overwintering hole. The role of carbonate rocks is important as there is a lot of subsurface flow in this rock type. The presence of the aufeis (winter icing) on Cache Creek is a sign of groundwater flow, and is one of the reasons that this site was chosen. We...