Principal Investigator:Krizan, Julia Licensed Year(s):
A Fish Habitat Survey and Bathymetry Survey are required for the proposed South Parsons Lake Gas Supply Project. The objective of the surveys is to gather baseline data regarding watercourse crossings and lakes in support of documents submitted for regulatory approval, to fulfill Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) requirements and to meet Transport Canada’s review of navigable waters.
Principal Investigator:Wilcockson, John B Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to collect bathymetry information on lakes to estimate water volume of each lake and therefore maximum volume of water which can be withdrawn. A subset of lakes will also be assessed for fish presence.
A gps-referenced depth sounder will be used to record detailed lake depth information. On a subset of lakes the research team will utilize several fish capture t...
Principal Investigator:Haas, Claudia A Licensed Year(s):
2011 Summary:
This project is to fill gaps in ecological information on a Candidate Protected Area while it makes its way through the NWT Protected Areas Strategy (PAS) process. This information will be used by the working group to make recommendations on final boundary and management planning for the area.
The study will be done at the same time as a study on mercury in fish being conducted by the Dehcho F...
Principal Investigator:Fortier, Martin Licensed Year(s):201320122011201020092007
20052004 Summary:
Warming of the Arctic is resulting in changes in sea ice formation, decay, and distribution which operate differently in the Eastern and Western Canadian Arctic. Short term sampling has been conducted, but this research is a long-term observation of the ocean, sea ice, atmosphere coupling.
Sampling will be conducted at mooring stations, along the ship track, and at specific sampling stations, ...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):200920082007
While data collected during the Environmental Impact Assessment studies (carried out in conjunction with the proposed construction and operation of the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline) are relatively comprehensive in describing the major physical-chemical features of the aquatic environment, they are lacking in the descriptions of the biological features of these environments, and as a consequence, their s...
Principal Investigator:Goad, Robin E Licensed Year(s):201720162014201320122011201020092008
200520042003 Summary:
The scope of environmental studies to be undertaken includes fish and fish habitat, water quality, air quality, and vegetation surveys. Equipment for habitat surveys will be limited to standard field measuring and surveying equipment, such as GPS units, and helicopters. An automated meteorological station has been set up to collect weather data.
A summer and fall fish and fish habitat survey w...
Principal Investigator:Graf, Linda H Licensed Year(s):2007
The anticipated studies include lake bathymetry, fish and fish habitat, and vegetation studies. Measurements of lake depths, surface area and other bathymetric features will determine lakes suitable for water withdrawal during the proposed construction phase of the winter access roads. Bathymetry work will be conducted with a digital echo-sounder linked to a GPS and other supporting equipment. Lak...
Principal Investigator:Evans, Marlene S. Licensed Year(s):200920082007
This study is designed to fill gaps in Environment Canada’s understanding of the aquatic environment potentially impacted by various aspects of the Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP). Potential stressors including: increased erosion, nutrient releases from sewage discharges, other chemical releases, water withdrawals, impacts of barge traffic, increased atmospheric emissions, etc. The focus will be on th...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
This project is a continuation of work that began in 2004. The Niglintgak Gas Processing facility may be constructed on a seaworthy barge, transported to a staging site in the Beaufort Sea, and then towed through the Mackenzie Delta channels to a sheltered location in Little Kumak Channel where the barge set-down site is proposed. This study will look at the environmental conditions along the pro...
Principal Investigator:Newyar, Chuck Licensed Year(s):
This survey is required to obtain specific environmental information to be used in support of land use permit and water licence applications for EnCana's proposed winter drilling program within the Tulita District of the Sahtu Settlement Area. Emphasis...